
  • 网络Cunda
  1. 这里住着一位叫纯陀的工匠。

    There lives an artisan called Cunda .

  2. 于是圣尊,在那天上午,已经准备好了,带着碗和袍子和一大队比丘到纯陀的家里,他们坐在为他们准备好的凳子上。

    Thereupon the Blessed One , in the forenoon , having got ready , took bowl and robe and went with the community of bhikkhus to the house of Cunda , and there sat down on the seat prepared for him .

  3. 这对你是邪恶的,纯陀,是你的损失,当如来吃掉他最后的供养的时候,接着他死了。

    This is evil to thee , Chunda , and loss to thee in that when the Tathagata had eaten his last meal from thy provision , then he died .