
  • 网络purebred;Purebred dog
  1. 纯种犬在15个STR基因座上的遗传多态性

    Genetic Polymorphisms of Fifteen STR Loci of Purebred Dog

  2. 我们很荣幸AKC认识到中国纯种犬的发展以及对于中国注册系统的需求。

    We appreciate AKC 's understanding of China 's purebred dog emergence , and the need for a Chinese National Registry .

  3. 方法:通过设计引物进行PCR扩增及PAGE检测的方法,分析了88头纯种犬在15个STR基因座上的遗传学多态性。

    Methods : The fifteen canine STR loci were chosen for analyzing the genetic polymorphisms in 88 dogs by PCR amplification with designed primers and PAGE .

  4. NGKC的宗旨是打造国内优质的纯种犬注册服务系统,这一理念很快促成了NGKC与AKC之间的合约,即AKC全球服务(AKC-GS)的诞生。

    NGKC 's desire to offer a high quality purebred dog registration service in China has prompted a contract with the newly established AKC Global Services program ( AKC-GS ) .

  5. 作为AKC-GS的第一个国际客户,NGKC的目标是发展其注册体系,提升中国纯种犬福利以及推广中国纯种犬运动,最终演变成世界顶级注册系统之一。

    As AKC-GS first international client , NGKC 's goal is to develop its registry , advance the welfare and the sport of purebred dogs in China , and to evolve into one of the world 's top registries .

  6. 不要买没有登记证书的纯种犬。

    Don 't buy a pedigree dog without a registration certificate .

  7. 现在的我独立经营一间犬舍,从事着纯种犬和工作犬的培育事业。

    Now I 'm independent ran a kennel , engaged in pure breeds and working dog cultivating career .

  8. 目的:指导纯种犬的繁育及建立一套简便的犬个体识别和亲权鉴定方法。

    Objective : To better guide the breeding of purebred dog and establish a convenient method for paternity test .

  9. 因为通过遗传学家在纯种犬繁殖的创新以及很有独特新的见解下,纯种犬的繁殖已经给犬业的繁殖中造成了很大的冲击。

    Thoroughbred breeding has made a great impact in canine breeding because of the revolutionary and exciting new insights gained by the genetics experts in thoroughbreds .

  10. 一些纯种犬种如牛头犬被培育成如此怪异的形状,以至于大多数获奖犬只根本无法在没有人类帮助的情况下自然交配和生产。

    Breeds such as the bulldog have been bred to such a strange shape that most prize exhibits can no longer mate without human assistance , or give birth naturally .

  11. 有系谱的纯种良犬。

    The fine dogs with pedigrees .

  12. 1923年出生于秋田县大馆市的这只小狗,以当时30日元的价格被东京大学的农业系教授上野英三郎买下,当时的他正好在寻找一只纯种的秋田犬。

    He was born in Odate City in Akita Prefecture in 1923 , the newborn pup was sold for ¥ 30 ( a sizeable sum at the time ) to Hidesaburo Ueno , an agricultural scientist at the University of Tokyo who was looking for a pure-bred Akita-inu ( 'Akita dog ' ) .

  13. 嘿,你的狗真不错。-是,它叫派珀。纯种的边境牧羊犬。看看这个。派珀,拿啤酒!

    Hey , nice dog . - Yeah , this is Piper . Pure-bred Border Collie . Watch this . Piper , fetch !

  14. 然而,狼崽们满身狼的特征,而脚下的小狗崽却是纯种的澳大利亚牧羊犬,看起来和她的母亲丹尼一个样。

    And while they displayed all the physical traits of a wolf , the little one at his feet was pure Australian Shepherd and looked just like his mother , Danni .