
  • 网络pollution-free fuel;pollution free fuel
  1. 低温燃料电池作为一种新型的能源装置,具有能量转换效率高、工作温度低、无污染、液体燃料处理简单、启动迅速等诸多优点,已成为世界各国竞相研究的热点。

    Low-temperature fuel cells as new-style energy devices have attracted great attention because of their high-energy conversion efficiency , low operating temperature , low pollutant emission , the simplicity of handling liquid fuel and quick startup .

  2. 壳牌还在研究将美国天然气液化后用于出口的计划,通过液化技术将它转化为无污染的运输燃料,并将其用作制造石化产品的原料。

    It is also examining plans to liquefy US gas for export which would allow it to attract higher prices , particularly in Asia transform it into clean-burning transport fuel through gas-to-liquids technology , and use it as a feedstock for petrochemicals .

  3. 利用煤气化多联产装置供给的CO和H2,在催化剂的作用下,可以合成出燃烧性能好、无污染的清洁液体燃料&二甲醚。

    With CO and H2 supplied by coal gasification plant , the non-polluting and good combustion performance liquid fuel & DME can be synthesized .