
  1. 激光扫描声学显微镜(ScanningLaserAcousticMicroscope,简称SLAM)是一种新型高分辨率的无损检测仪器。它是声显微技术的一种形式,对于研究新材料和新器件的内部结构问题特别有效。

    SLAM ( Scanning Laser Acoustic Microscope ) is a type of acoustic microscopy , as a new-type of high-efficient NDT ( non-destructive testing ) instrument , it is an useful method to study the internal structure of new materials or devices .

  2. 液晶显示器MTG24128A在钢丝绳无损检测仪器设计中的应用

    Application of MTG-24128A LCD in designing wirerope nondestructive detecting instruments

  3. 基于光谱技术的植物叶绿素浓度无损检测仪器的研制

    Development of Chlorophyll Concentration Nondestructive Measurement Instrument Based on Spectral Analysis Technology

  4. 它是一种无损检测仪器,可以在生产过程中进行连续测量。

    This instrument is for non-des tructiye inspection , which can work continuously during the production .

  5. 单极磁化奥氏体不锈钢管内氧化物磁性无损检测仪器的特性研究

    The characteristics of a single-pole magnetic NDT apparatus to detect the oxide scale in austenitic stainless steel tubes

  6. 回弹仪是用来检测混凝土抗压强度的一种无损检测仪器,广泛应用于混凝土施工的整个过程之中。

    Rebound hammer is a sort of nondestructive instrument , which used to detect concrete 's resisting pressure intensity .

  7. 介绍了一种基于初始幅值磁导率法的新型钢铁材质无损检测仪器,论述了它的检测原理和系统的软硬件设计要点。

    This paper introduces a new type nondestructive testing instrument for material quality of steel and iron which is developed according to the principle of initial increment permeability .

  8. 因此,不能认定这些普通无损检测仪器全是计量器具。单极磁化奥氏体不锈钢管内氧化物磁性无损检测仪器的特性研究

    It should not be considered that NDT equipments are metrological instrument . The characteristics of a single-pole magnetic NDT apparatus to detect the oxide scale in austenitic stainless steel tubes

  9. 超声固井质量无损检测方法与仪器研究

    Study on well cementation quality nondestructive testing technique and equipment

  10. 电涡流传感器是工业生产和科学研究中使用广泛的一种无损、非接触检测仪器。

    Eddy Current Sensor ( ECS ) is an nondestructive , non-contact testing component , which is extensively applied in engineering and science researches .

  11. 简要介绍一种基于金属磁记忆效应原理的无损检测新方法及其仪器的功能和应用。

    A new nondestructive testing method & metal magnetic memory as well as the function and application of the instrument based on the technique are introduced .