
Humanism is the requirement of the invalid marriage system .
On the Legislation of Void Marriage System in China
The fourth part puts forward further perfecting conception of the invalid marriage system .
The Humanistic Problems in the Invalid Marriage System
( Digest for the Dissertation ) Invalid Marriage System was originated from Rome law .
Void marriage system is added to the newly revised edition of " Marriage Law " .
Our marriages system can 't be carried outwell because of the long – term defect of invalid marriages system .
As the indispensable composing part of the marriage system , the invalid system came into existence in very ancient times .
There is only invalid marriage in Australian legal system ; however there is revocable marriage beside invalid marriage in Chinese law system .
Based upon the meanings of invalid marriage and annullable marriage , Chapter one introduces the lawmaking mode of the invalid marriage system .
The invalid marriage system of the cross-straits divides invalid marriage and repeals invalid marriage , i.e. absolutely invalid marriage and opposite marriage .
Therefore we should profit from foreign the invalid marriage system correlation theories and know the practice to improve our country invalid marriage system .
The forming of the institution of invalid marriage is a milestone in the history of our marriage and family legislation . It has epoch-making significance .
The invalid marriage plays an important role in the marriage system and is promulgated in the New Marriage Law of MainLand for the first time .
And since the modern times , setting invalid marriage system in the marriage law has even become the general legislation rule for most countries in the world .
Void marriage system is added into the marriage law amended in2001 , which fills in gap that void marriage system is not treated in the marriage laws before .
In China 's modified Marriage Law , it is the first time to stipulate China 's invalid marriage system and supplement and perfect it through the later two judicial interpretations .
The invalid marriage regulation is an importance part of getting-married-system , and benefit to the citi / en and his son and daughter , and urge to establish legal marriage relationship .
The bill of amendment is only a transition to marriage and family part of civil law , so there are still many places about the content of invalid marriages system which need further perfection .
Invalid marriage system in Rome law and revocable marriage system in Church law are widely adopted in many countries ' modern marriage and family laws , which constitute a basic remedy to illegal marriage .
The second part introduces invalid marriage system in some countries which belong to Anglo-American Legal System or Civil Law System and summarizes the relevant provision of invalid marriage which will serve as a reference for China .
The main body of this thesis is passed to fundamental theory of invalid marriage system and concrete content analysis , the real situation drawing legislation of the foreign country experience union our country at present to discuss this one system .
The author thinks that in order to avoid the conflict between the system of invalid marriage and flawed marriage registration , they should belong to the different nature of the marriage form .
On the System of Compensation for Fault of Void Marriage
On the Deficiency and Perfection of the Legal Relief System in Marriage Law Regarding Invalid Marriages
To perfect avoidance system of invalid marriage ;
Thoughts and Comparison of System of Void and Revocable Marriage in Mainland and Taiwan
But it cannot be ignored that there exists severe deficiency in the legal relief system regarding invalid marriages , which is adverse to the protection of legal marriages and sanction of illegal ones .
This paper provides an idea of perfecting regulations about nullity of marriage on condition of analyzing newly amended marriage law , the reason f nullity , and a comparison of regulations about at various nations .
The stipulation to include invalid marriages and revocable marriages has filled the vacancy in China 's legislation . On the Deficiency and Perfection of the Legal Relief System in Marriage Law Regarding Invalid Marriages