
  • 网络ucav;unmanned combat air vehicle
  1. 无人战斗机实时数据处理延迟模型研究

    Study on Delay Model of Data Processing in Real Time for UCAV

  2. 先进无人战斗机(UCAV)系统概念

    The Concept of Advanced UCAV System

  3. 针对某无人战斗机所采用的V形尾翼布局,通过求解N-S方程的数值计算方法,得到了上反与下反V形尾翼气动布局的纵向力矩值。

    Aimed at the vee tail of an UCAV , the longitudinal moments of up vee tail and down vee tail are calculated by the method of solving N-S equations .

  4. 主要对目前存在的无人战斗机(UCAV)概念进行了讨论,分析了无人战斗机的基本性能和技术要素,提出了未来无人战斗机的发展趋势。

    This paper discusses various conceptions of UCAVs , analyzes their primary performances and important elements of technology , and presents their development tendencies in the future .

  5. 这架飞机叫做Eitan,Eitan一词来源于希伯来语,代表强壮,这架飞机也是舰队扩编所加入的最新飞行器,或者说是无人战斗机。

    It 's called the Eitan , the Hebrew word for strong and it 's Israel 's latest edition to an expanding fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles , or UAVs .

  6. 基于专家系统的无人战斗机智能决策系统

    Research on UCAV 's Intelligent Decision-Making System based on Expert System

  7. 无人战斗机的态势感知模型框架

    A Model Framework of Situation Awareness for Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicle

  8. 无人战斗机机体研制生产费用的灰色模型估算方法

    Gray Model Based Airframe Cost Estimating Method of Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicles

  9. 导弹攻击下带矢量推力无人战斗机逃逸概率分析

    Evasive Probability Analysis of UCAV with Vector Thrust Against a Proportional Missile

  10. 无人战斗机航路规划圆切线算法

    Study on Trajectory Plan Arithmetic for UCAV by Using Tangent to Circles

  11. 无人战斗机全寿命周期费用分析

    Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicles

  12. 一种无人战斗机系统使用保障费用分析方法

    A Method for Estimating Operation and Support Cost of Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicles

  13. 无人战斗机武器系统作战效能分析

    Analysis the Operational Efficiency of UCAV Weapon System

  14. 在海外,该公司研发的无人战斗机身兼“维和”使命;

    Overseas , its soldier drones are helping to " enforce " the peace ;

  15. 无人战斗机武器-目标分配的粗糙集与径向基函数神经网络杂合算法

    Rough Set and Radial Basis Function Neural Network Mixed Algorithm for UCAV 's Weapon-target Assignment

  16. 并将平面路径规划下无人战斗机战场态势感知模型推广到三维空间。

    At the same time , we spread UCAV apperceive models of plane to space too .

  17. 基于粒子群优化的无人战斗机编队任务协调方法研究

    Study on uninhabited combat air vehicle formation tasks scheduling method based on particle swarm optimization algorithm

  18. 无人战斗机火控系统研究的几个问题

    Research on UCAV fire control system

  19. 首先建立无人战斗机的作战效能与全寿命周期费用之间的关系图;

    Firstly a figure describing the relationship between the effectiveness and 1 ii'e cycle cost is established .

  20. 本文采用概率分析法与专家评估法对无人战斗机系统进行评估。用概率分析法计算无人战斗机拦截入侵飞机和摧毁地面目标的概率。

    In the system efficiency analysis , the probability analysis method and the expert evaluation method are adopted .

  21. 无人战斗机作为实行积极防御的一个十分有效的方案受到广泛关注。

    The unmanned combat air vehicle ( UCAV ) is extensively attended as a effective project of active defend .

  22. 举例来说,新一代无人战斗机就可运用外张的低阻力机翼,在预定目标上空盘旋数小时。

    A next-generation combat drone , for example , might loiter for hours above a potential target on elongated , low-drag wings .

  23. 在未来战争中,无人战斗机系统的主要作战使命是空防压制、纵深打击和“空中占领”。

    In the future war , the main missions of UCAV system are SEAD , deep strike and " air occupancy " .

  24. 本文综述目前常用的飞机全寿命周期费用模型以及常用的建模方法,建立无人战斗机系统的全寿命周期费用分解结构;

    According to the main concept of the UCAV , a life cycle cost model for UCAV is established using various cost estimating methods .

  25. 无人战斗机系统是新型的作战系统,由无人战斗机、通信网络、任务控制站三部分构成。

    UCAV weapon system is a new kind of weapon system , consists of three parts : UCAV , communication networks , and mission control station .

  26. 随着环境监测技术和识别技术的发展,无人战斗机在现代战场上的作用越来越明显。

    With the development of the environment monitoring technology and the recognition technology , the UCAV plays a more and more obvious role in the modern battlefield .

  27. 在海外,该公司研发的无人战斗机身兼维和使命;在美国国内,该公司利用先进的机器人科技帮助受伤士兵重新站立行走。

    Overseas , its soldier drones are helping to enforce the peace ; back home , its advanced robotics department is helping injured soldiers to walk again .

  28. 无人战斗机系统是一种新型的作战武器系统,是当今航空界研究的一个热点。

    Uninhabited combat air vehicle ( UCAV ) is a new kind of weapon system , and is also the hot research area in the current aviation world .

  29. 无人战斗机系统主要由携带武器的无人飞机、用于人工控制无人飞机的控制站和将系统连接起来保持与战术环境相联系的数据网络组成。

    The UCAV system is composed of UAV bearing arms and control station used to control the UCV and data network that connect the UCAV system to the tactics environment .

  30. 通过与有人战斗机的使用保障费用进行对比计算表明,无人战斗机系统的使用保障费用具有明显的经济优势。

    A calculation for comparison of operation and support cost between manned aircraft and UCAV is carried out , the numerical results show that UCAV is more affordable than manned aircraft .