
  1. 查尔斯•泰勒最初并没想过要成为一名无人机驾驶员。

    Charles Taylor did not set out to become a drone pilot .

  2. 在这里,一个无人机驾驶员和一个传感操作员穿着他们的飞行服,面对一系列的屏幕。

    There , a drone pilot and a sensor operator sit in their flight suits in front of a series of screens .

  3. 不过,想成为无人机持证驾驶员并不容易。

    However , becoming a certified drone pilot is not easy .

  4. 这家科技巨头上周四宣布,如同亚马逊公司(Amazon.com)一样,该公司希望使用小型无人机替代驾驶员递送消费者在网上购买的产品,以实现更快捷、更经济的快递。

    On Thursday , the technology giant revealed that it - like Amazon.com - hopes to use small unmanned aircraft as a quicker and cheaper alternative to having drivers deliver your online orders .

  5. 提供无人机培训的易瓦特科技股份有限公司称,无人机驾驶员培训费为1.2-2.4万元,机长培训费为2.4-2.7万元。

    The training fees for a pilot range from 12000 yuan to 24000 yuan , and for a pilot-in-command from 24000 yuan to 27000 yuan , according to EWATT Technology , which provides drone training .