
  1. 坦克红外隐形涂料的设计

    Design on the Infrared Stealth Coating of the Tank

  2. 纳米粒子与有机涂料复合的另一用途是制备军事隐形涂料、静电屏蔽涂料和大气净化涂料等功能性涂料。

    The nanometer compound paint was applied for martial invisible coating , electrostatic screening coating and atmosphere purification coating etc.

  3. 介绍了等离子体隐形的基本原理和特征、国内外的进展情况、存在的一些问题以及对等离子体隐形涂料技术的初步认识。

    This article has introduced the principle , characteristics , innovation and existing problems of cryptomorphic technology . A basic knowledge of plasma cryptomorphic coatings is given .