
yǐn zhě
  • hermit;recluse
  1. 也许一个隐者更适合深秋的颜色。

    Perhaps a hermit is more suitable for autumn color .

  2. 由此引发了隐者赵良对其的晓之厉害。

    This triggered a hermit Zhao Liang , the dawn of its powerful .

  3. 对唐诗《寻隐者不遇》英译文的功能语篇分析

    A Functional Discourse Analysis of Eight Translated Versions of a Tang Poem

  4. 从两首《寻隐者不遇》诗谈起

    On two Tang poems of looking for the recluse but not meeting him

  5. 因此,现在我实际上已经是一个隐者被扔进了生活的垃圾堆。

    So now I am a virtual recluse on the scrap heap of life .

  6. 而基督教会中许多的古隐者和长老则确有如此者。

    and truly and really , in divers of the ancient hermits and holy fathers of the church .

  7. 总之,普林斯顿无法医治艾伦的隐者之心,艾伦写道:

    In short , Princeton did not cure Alan of being a ' confirmed solitary ' . He wrote :

  8. “吏隐”向来是作为归隐的过渡阶段,历来吟咏吏隐者莫不以归隐为终结理想。

    In the history , the acclamation of official seclusion considered living in seclusion to be the ultimate ideal .

  9. 同题诗歌的异质美&《寻(访)隐者不遇》之比较

    On the Heterogeneous Beauty of the Poems with the Same Theme : A Comparative Study of the Poems titled " No Finding the Recluse "

  10. 在中国,人们对梭罗的认识大多局限于《瓦尔登湖》,很多人把他看成是一个不问世事的隐者。

    Different from his popularity abroad , in China , Thoreau was seen as a hermit because little was known about him except his Walden .

  11. 南宋洪迈以之为静隐者,而今人郭沫若则说成是有思想的人。

    The person Hong mai , of the southern Song thought of " Jingzhe " as " Jingyinzhe " and Guo Moro as a scholar .

  12. 将《寻隐者不遇》置于唐人“寻隐”诗和历代阐释史的双重视野中,对其走向现代之路作了全面考察。

    The paper gives a comprehensive investigation into its modernity from the perspective of both poems of reclusion in the Tang Dynasty and history of interpretation .

  13. 今天,遵从神性、秉承民族诗歌传统的诗人们,他们在虚幻光环的远处写着,就如隐者。

    Today , poets who adhere to divinity and inherit the tradition of national poetry , they write at the distance of illusory nimbus , just like hermit .

  14. 其颓废情调主要表现在小说人物类型上,分为孤独者、零余者、漂泊者和归隐者四种颓废类型;

    His decadent mood major types of performance figures in the novel , into lonely persons , zero I persons , Pun and four seasons of decadent type ;

  15. 隐者担心自己打搅了鸟儿的梦境,所以他开始观照内心,并且很快入了很深的禅定。

    The hermit was afraid to disturb its dreams , so he began looking into his own heart , and immediately entered a very deep state of meditation .

  16. 集君子人格与隐者人格于一身的诸葛亮是从儒家经学模式到以道释儒的玄学模式转变过程中开风气之先的人物。

    ZHU Ge-liang , with the combination of noble character and hermit , is the leading person in the process of transfering from Confucian classics model to the philosophical sect of metaphysics .

  17. 第一节对其咏史诗中吟咏的历史人物进行分析,如明君贤臣、隐者侠士、学者文士等。

    For the first quarter in the history of poetry of history characters analysis , such as a hermit , an enlightened monarch princes chivalrous man , scholars of the teachers of the law and so on .

  18. 以“夸张法”将事物适度放大,使虚假、丑陋、无耻明白无遗地展示在人们面前,小者大之,隐者显之。

    By " the hyperbole " the thing moderate enlargement , causes , ugly , to understand shameless falsely demonstrated with nothing left in front of the people , small big it , the recluse reveals it .

  19. 一天他正在江畔行吟,遇到一个打渔的隐者,隐者见他面色憔悴形容枯槁,就劝他“不要拘泥”、“随和一些”,和权贵们同流合污。

    One day he is Singing River , encountered a fishing hermit , hermit to see him looking haggard haggard , advised him " Do not rigidly stick to "," easy-going number ", and the bigwigs were in cahoots .

  20. 他们对乡土的书写大致可以归结为如下三种言说形态,即:现代启蒙者的批判言说、现代退隐者的抒情言说和乡土认同者的宣教言说。

    Their writing can generally be attributed to the following three statement forms . Namely : the critical statement of the modern enlightenment ; the lyric statement of the modern retired and the missionaries statement of agreeing with by the local .

  21. 但是对于艾伦·图灵来说,战争带来的只是新的实验和想法,以及做些实事的机会,并没有带来驾驭他人的兴趣。他的原则始终未变,他是一个本性难移的隐者,

    For Alan Turing , the war had certainly brought new experiences and ideas , and the chance to do something . But it had given him no taste for organising other people , and it had left his axioms unchanged .