
shèng bēi
  • grail;Holy grail
圣杯 [shèng bēi]
  • [Holy grail] 据中世纪传说为基督在最后的晚餐上用过的那个杯或盘子,它被带到英国,然后就成为骑土们追求的目标,而只有思想、言辞和行为纯洁高尚的人才能获得

圣杯[shèng bēi]
  1. 的出典成了词源学梦寐以求的圣杯。

    The origin of OK became the Holy Grail of etymology.OK

  2. 使应用以脱机方式工作通常被视为移动Web应用开发的圣杯。

    Enabling an application to work offline is often viewed as the holy grail of mobile Web application development .

  3. 噢?圣杯溢满白色的酒

    Oh ? Cup which brims with the whitest of wine .

  4. OK的出典成了词源学梦寐以求的圣杯。

    The origin of OK became the Holy Grail of etymology .

  5. 然后他像捧着圣杯一样,把这杯鸡尾酒递给了埃玛·斯通(EmmaStone)。

    This he presents , like a chalice , to Emma Stone .

  6. 近日,一台AppleI电脑的原型——可称得上是电子产品大事记中的圣杯级产品,拍出了81.5万美元。

    A prototype Apple 1 , a holy-grail item in electronics memorabilia , has been sold for $ 815000 .

  7. 当然,Ant是不可声明的,而这是所有软件开发者的圣杯所在。

    Sure , Ant is not " declarative ", the holy grail of software developers everywhere .

  8. 科学家希望被称为“圣杯”或“重力恢复和内部实验室”(GravityRecoveryandInteriorLaboratory)任务能够揭示月球的内部结构。

    Scientists hope that the mission , known as Grail or Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory , will reveal the Moon 's internal structure .

  9. 对许多休闲高尔夫玩家而言,这就像圣杯(HolyGrail)那么可望而不可及。

    For many casual golfers , this would qualify as the Holy Grail .

  10. 当你逐渐赢得了上级的信任时,他们会让你承担更多的职责,最终你将拿到‘圣杯’:即由你自己来制作Excel模型。

    When you gradually win your seniors ' confidence , they will give you more responsibility until you reach the ' holy grail ': doing the Excel model yourself .

  11. NPR记者报道,美国宇航局表示“圣杯”号探测器已经完成了全部任务。

    And as NPR 's reports NASA says its Grail Moon mission has achieved all of its goals .

  12. 在这一努力中,“圣杯”是ficc(固定收益、外汇和大宗商品交易)。

    The Holy Grail in this quest is ficc fixed income , currency and commodities trading .

  13. 这就成了通用人工智能--缩写是AGI,从一开始它就是人工智能研究最终的圣杯。

    This is the definition of artificial general intelligence -- AGI , which has been the holy grail of AI research since its inception .

  14. 报告作者之一詹姆斯高思(jamesgoth)表示:“对于西方国家的航空公司来说,长途航空旅行需求的圣杯也许就近在本国市场周围,而不是远在中国或印度。”

    James Goth , a co-author of the report , said : " for Western Airlines , the Holy Grail of long-haul demand may lie closer to home than China or India . "

  15. 兴许我的一些记忆加入了圣杯的制造之中,我竟忘记了我的力量对Lyonnesse意味着什么。

    Perhaps some of my memory went in the makeing of the Grail , because I had forgotten what my power meant to the land of Lyonnesse .

  16. 一位华尔街高管对此表示附和,但他缓和了一下语气,表示希望他的银行和整个行业都能拿到roe更稳定的“圣杯”尽管roe有所下降,但也不那么容易受到毁灭性危机的影响。

    A Wall Street executive echoed those views but tempered them with hope that his bank , and the entire industry , could achieve the Holy Grail of a more stable roe that , although lower , is less vulnerable to destructive crises .

  17. 这包括了奥勒利乌斯·安布罗修斯(AureliusAmbrosius),他在普通拉丁本圣经或“兰斯洛特的圣杯”中被称为潘德拉贡。而“兰斯洛特的圣杯”是中世纪法国的传记,亚瑟王传奇故事的重要来源。

    These include Aurelius Ambrosius , who was called Pendragon in the Vulgate Cycle or Lancelot-Grail , a medieval French text and a major source of Arthurian legend .

  18. 持续不断的核聚变是电力工业所渴求和探索的“圣杯”。

    Sustained nuclear fusion is the Holy grailof the power industry .

  19. 这药或许从某种意义上来说像圣杯一样,但是。

    This drug is sort of your holy grail , but .

  20. 在科学界这是一个神圣的圣杯。

    It 's a holy grail in the world of science .

  21. 生活就是冒险,这是我的圣杯。

    Adventure is out there , it 's my Holy Grail .

  22. 朝鲜领导层有点像一只被下毒的圣杯。

    The leadership of North Korea could be a poisoned chalice .

  23. 他们认为我能帮他们找到圣杯。

    Because they believe I can lead them to the sangraal .

  24. 你听过“国王与圣杯”?

    Did you ever hear the story of the Fisher king ?

  25. 如果运气好的话,他已经拿到圣杯了。

    With any luck , he 's got the Grail already .

  26. 他们没找到圣杯前,不会杀死雷的。

    They won 't kiII Leigh untii they find the grall .

  27. 羊皮纸向我们提供了找到圣杯的线索。

    The parchment provided us with clues to reaching the sangraal .

  28. 或许你就是守护圣杯的骑士。

    And maybe you 're a knight on a grail quest .

  29. 那些认为他们有着鼹鼠圣杯的人。

    Those who thought they had the Holy Grail of moles .

  30. 渔夫王是寻找圣杯的终点。

    Fisher king 's at the end of all grail quests .