
  • 网络Concealed frame glass curtain wall;hidden frame supported glass curtain wall
  1. 一种基于FFT功率谱的全隐框玻璃幕墙结构胶脱粘长度检测方法

    New damage detection method of structural silicone sealant in hidden frame supported glass curtain wall based on FFT power spectrum

  2. 隐框玻璃幕墙结构施工中的质量控制

    Quality Control in Construction of Invisible-fram e Glass Curtain Wall Structure

  3. 隐框玻璃幕墙反复荷载和振动台试验研究

    Repeated-load and Shaking-table Study of Frame - concealed Glass Curtain - wall

  4. 大面积后补埋件式隐框玻璃幕墙施工技术

    Construction of Large Glass Curtain Wall with Concealed Frame Embedded in Late Stage

  5. 隐框玻璃幕墙地震反应分析

    Earthquake Response Analysis of Concealed Frame Glass Curtain Wall

  6. 铝合金隐框玻璃幕墙的隐患及防范

    Potential perils existing in glass curtain wall with aluminium alloy frames and precautions against them

  7. 基于模态参数的隐框玻璃幕墙结构胶损伤检测

    Failure detection of structural silicone sealant in concealed frame glass curtain wall based on modal parameter

  8. 通过对几个隐框玻璃幕墙工程质量控制实践,介绍隐框玻璃幕墙工程的施工安装质量控制方法。

    This article introduces the quality control skill of constructing the glass screen wall with the invisible frame through some quality control practices .

  9. 这种安全保险装置,可以弥补结构硅酮胶存在老化问题的不足,消除隐框玻璃幕墙所存在的安全隐患。

    The safety device can make up the insufficiency of the aging problem of structural silicone adhesive and eliminate the existing safety hazards of the glass curtain wall with a concealed frame .

  10. 结构密封胶装配玻璃的失效评估是既有玻璃幕墙现场安全评估的重要组成部分,也是既有隐框玻璃幕墙现场检测的重点和难点。

    Evaluating failure of structural sealant glazing is an important constituent portion of existing glass curtain walls , also , a key item and difficulty part of in-suit testing of existing hidden frame curtain wall .

  11. 详细介绍了隐框玻璃幕墙结构施工中的技术措施,以期为工程技术人员设计及施工类似幕墙提供参考。

    In this paper , technology measures in construction of hidden framing glass curtain wall is introduced in detail so as that it can offer some references to the engineers designing and constructing similar glass curtain wall .

  12. 本文对隐框玻璃幕墙的地震反应进行了一系列计算分析,并采用了考虑隐框玻璃幕墙与承重结构动力相互作用的整体有限元分析方法。

    In this paper , a series of calculations were carried out for the earthquake response analysis of concealed frame glass curtain wall . The integrated finite element method is used considering the dynamic interaction of concealed frame glass curtain wall and the load-bearing structure .