
  1. 当被问及美国和德国将如何应对阿富汗新临时政府(其内政部长正被联邦调查局通缉)时,德国外长海科·马斯表示,他对临时的塔利班政府并不乐观,但他补充说,他们不得不与他们进行谈判。

    Asked how the U.S and Germany will deal with Afghanistan 's new interim government whose Interior Minister is wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation , German foreign minister Heiko Maas said he was not optimistic about the caretaker Taliban government but added he has to talk with them .

  2. 同一期间,联合国帮助阿富汗建立了临时政府,并协调了联合国系统重建这个受战争破坏的国家的行动。

    During the same period , UN efforts in Afghanistan facilitated the establishment of an interim government and coordinated action by the UN system to rebuild that war-torn country .

  3. 美国和阿富汗在反对恐怖主义的战争中结成了盟友。在阿富汗重建阶段,我们仍将是合作伙伴。今晚,让我们欢迎来自解放了的阿富汗的临时政府领导人:尊敬的哈米德卡尔扎伊主席!

    America and Afghanistan are now allies against terror * We will be partners in rebuilding that country * And this evening we welcome the distinguished interim leader of a liberated afghanistan : chairman Hamid karzai .