
cuō shāng
  • consult;exchange views;hold a discussion;advise with;negotiation
磋商 [cuō shāng]
  • [consult;advise with] 仔细商量、研究

  • 与自愿的非营利性组织合作和磋商

磋商[cuō shāng]
  1. 美国财政部还将必须与美联储(federalreserve)和其它国家央行就“在外汇市场上采取补救性干预”进行“磋商”。

    The Treasury would also have to " consult " with the Federal Reserve and other central banks about " remedial intervention in currency markets " .

  2. 根据世界贸易组织(wto)的规定,中国在开始调查之前,需邀请美国就“反补贴税”进行磋商,以求达成相关解决方案。

    World Trade Organisation rules require China to invite the us to consult on the countervailing duty petition before initiating any investigation in an effort to find a resolution to the concerns .

  3. 这项决定是在与当地居民仔细磋商后作出的。

    The decision was taken after close consultation with local residents .

  4. 两国之间进行了广泛磋商。

    There have been extensive consultations between the two countries .

  5. 这引发了人们对通用公司和捷豹公司可能在进行磋商的大量猜测。

    It triggered broad speculation that GM and Jaguar might be talking .

  6. 下周,他将在佛罗里达与密特朗总统进行磋商。

    Next week he 'll be in Florida for consultations with President Mitterrand

  7. 这些方案是在与世界卫生组织磋商之后起草的。

    The plans were drawn up in consultation with the World Health Organisation

  8. 磋商中还达成了重启两个联委会的决议。

    It was also agreed to reactivate two joint committees on negotiations .

  9. 近几天,双方政府一直在进行紧张的磋商。

    There have been intensive discussions between the two governments in recent days

  10. 还有一个办法可用,但需要进一步的磋商。

    There is another avenue to pursue — it involves further negotiations .

  11. 如何对外资管理者进行补偿还有待磋商。

    How foreign fund-managers will be compensated has yet to be thrashed out .

  12. 首相正在和同僚进行磋商,以敲定该协议。

    The Prime Minister , is holding consultations with his colleagues to finalise the deal

  13. 磋商的时候要作记录,因为最终的书面报告非常简洁。

    Take notes during the consultation as the final written report is very concise .

  14. 科恩先生在大使馆和其中一个叛军头目进行了磋商。

    Mr Cohen held discussions at the embassy with one of the rebel leaders .

  15. 现在就认定整个磋商过程不成功而想要放弃还为时过早。

    It 's too soon to write off the whole consultation process as a failure

  16. 也许仍有可能通过磋商达成协议。

    A negotiated settlement might yet be possible .

  17. 公司和许多潜在的投资人举行了磋商。

    The company talked with many potential investors

  18. 我们已进行了有益的磋商,我相信我们很快能成交。

    We have had meaningful negotiations and I believe we are very close to a deal

  19. 总统还呼吁各国就签订国际贸易协定加倍努力进行磋商。

    The president also called on nations to redouble their efforts to negotiate an international trade agreement

  20. 她接着又说她已同加拿大外长就此进行了磋商。

    She went on to say that she had discussed it with the Canadian foreign minister .

  21. 现在,董事们一致要求进行更多的磋商以及在合同审批方面的权利。

    Now the governors en bloc are demanding far more consultation and rights over contractual approval .

  22. 此次罢工是为抗议政府缺乏与工会的磋商而发动的。

    The strike was called in protest at the government 's lack of consultation with the unions .

  23. 几周前,我曾向欧盟成员国提议我们应该和美国人进行磋商。

    Some weeks ago I recommended to EU member states that we should have discussions with the Americans .

  24. 磋商可以通过预约安排在其他时间。

    Consultations can be arranged at other times by appointment .

  25. 他们退到另一房间秘密磋商。

    They retired to another room for private consultation .

  26. 两位律师就此案作了磋商。

    The two lawyers consulted on the case .

  27. 正在进行磋商。

    Consultations are under way .

  28. 他们进行了秘密磋商,最后达成了协议。

    They had a closet consultation before they reached an agreement .

  29. 岛上的敌对势力已经坐下来进行和平磋商。

    The opposing forces on the island have been brought together for peace talks .

  30. 各国政府和国际政治、经济协作组织几乎没有间断地举行各种会议,磋商各种救助和刺激方案,控制经济下行风险。

    Individual governments and international political and economic blocs have held nearly non-stop meetings and consultations to stem the downturn with a variety of bailout and stimulus packages .