
  1. 品牌:DEWANGEM重量:产品描述:古老的帽子古老的天然透光石和现代金属的结合,产生天地合一的感觉。

    Brand : DEWAN GEMWeight : Products Description : Ancient CapThe combination of ancient natural transparent stone and modern metal , produces the sense of mixture of the sky and the earth .

  2. 以天地合一的地球动力观,探索新的科学思路,更科学、更准确地解释中国大地构造,为大地构造学理论的新飞跃做出贡献。

    Viewing the cosmos and the earth as a unified dynamic system , exploration of new scientific ideas is needed to explain in a more appropriate and more accurate way the tectonics of China and thus another leap can be made in the study of the theory on tectonics .

  3. 道教倡导人身一小天地的天人合一思想,探求长生不老、超越自然之道,这些都为内丹学派的产生提供了理论与实践的基础。

    The theory of " correspondence between man and universe " is the theoretical and practical basis for the coming into being of the Internal Dan School , which provides practical means for the Taoist to practise the skills of internal dan .

  4. 在自然观方面,中国古代哲学持的是一种天人合一的有机论宇宙整体观,即所谓的人天同构、人道与天道同理、人与天地参、天人合一、万物一体。

    In China 's ancient philosophy , the outlook on the whole universe held that the outside world and human formed a unity . That is , the universe and human beings have the same structure , same principles , infiltrate into each other and merge into an organic whole .