
xié bàn
  • Co organizer;do sth. jointly
协办[xié bàn]
  1. 一个例子是,一个更为传统的智囊机构美国对外关系委员会(councilonforeignrelations)也协办了save峰会。

    The save summit , for example , was co-sponsored by a more traditional think-tank , the Council on foreign relations .

  2. 此外,林书豪还参加了自己协办的一年一度的全明星慈善赛,这一点进一步支持了他可能前往CBA打球的猜想。

    Further supporting the belief that Lin could be headed to the CBA was his role in the annual charity All-Star game which he co-organized .

  3. XXX英语社外联部部长,成功协办“双语之星”英语风采大赛,负责本次大赛全部经费来源。

    XXX English social outreach minister , successful co " bilingual Star " English style competition for this contest all funding sources .

  4. Kane的父亲来自Towson的JimKane本月协办了一个由研究贪食症等遗传疾患专家参与的学术会议。

    Kane 's father , Jim Kane of Towson , this month helped organize a conference for researchers who work with genetic disorders that are characterized by hyperphagia .

  5. 本届会议由英国经济与社会研究理事会(ESRC)和英国国际发展部(DFID)资助,并由相关合作研究机构协办。

    The conference is sponsored by the Economic Social and Research Council ( ESRC ) and UK Department for International Development ( DFID ) and supported by research partner institutions .

  6. 分配原则是:“先申请、先付款、先分配”,协办单位可优先安排。

    The co-organizer may have the priority to be arranged .

  7. 和氏璧化工作为主要协办单位之一,参加了当天的活动。

    NCM participated in this event as one of the chief co-sponsors .

  8. 英国协办外交和联邦事务国务大臣

    British Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

  9. 我们在工作中同心协办,相互配合。

    We were arm in arm in this work .

  10. 这三家俱乐部共同协办了一次聚会。

    The three clubs cooperated in a party .

  11. 高雄市政府协办了这个活动,相当程度在经费上解决了全产总的困难。

    The government of Kaohsiung City helped a lot in assisting their activities financially .

  12. 同时,中国已经批准香港协办2008年北京奥运马术项目。

    Meanwhile , China has scheduled polo events for the2008 Beijing Olympics in Hong Kong .

  13. 本届电视节将由中国中央电视台主办,若干地方电视台协办

    The TV festival will be sponsored by China central television and assisted by some local television stations

  14. 美食周由萨斯饭店主办,中国驻拉脱维亚大使馆协办。

    The Gourmet Week is hosted by SAS Hotel and co-sponsored by the Chinese embassy in Latvia .

  15. 此节目由美国总领事馆讯息资源中心协办。

    This programme is jointly presented with Information Resource Centre , US Consulate General , Hong Kong .

  16. 去年12月,柬埔寨协办律师拒绝搜寻其它犯人,国际检察官已经公然反对。

    In December the international prosecutor publicly disagreed with his Cambodian co-counsel 's refusal to seek other defendants .

  17. 对于广州和协办城市佛山和东莞这样的中国二线城市,亚运会被看做是一次巨大的提升。

    The Asian Games is seen as a big boost for second-tier cities in China like Guangzhou and co-hosts Foshan and Dongguan .

  18. 上海将协办奥运会的足球小组赛,但除此之外并不是奥运会的主要比赛场所。

    Shanghai will play host to Olympic qualifier soccer games , but otherwise isn 't an important venue for the August Games .

  19. 作为第29届北京奥运会协办城市,奥运帆船比赛将在青岛举办。

    As the sole cooperative city of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games , Qingdao is the host city of the 2008 Regatta games .

  20. 我代表展会的主办单位、协办单位和全体展商对各位领导、各位嘉宾的光临表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!

    On behalf of our host and exhibitors , I would like to welcome and thank you to all the leaders and guests !

  21. 伍锐贤主席到炮台公园出席中华公所参加协办的2006年文化中国艺术节并替该活动剪彩。

    President Eric Ng attended the opening ceremony of the2006 Chinese Cultural Festival , which was co-hosted by CCBA and other organizations at Battery Park .

  22. 此次会议是由廊坊市疾病预防控制中心主办,廊坊市兄弟真情工作组协办的。

    The conference was organized by the Langfang City Center for Disease Control and Prevention , Langfang City , brothers and co-truth of the Working Group .

  23. 威廉莎士比亚环球剧场终于把一个400岁的禁忌休息协办发挥它原来的房子烧毁,在巴德的一生。

    William Shakespeare 's Globe theater has finally put a400-year-old taboo to rest by staging the play which burned the original house down during the Bard 's lifetime .

  24. 协办或者承办智能交通各类展会、培训、论坛、研讨会,诠释立体式的传媒运营模式和专业的媒体服务!

    We sponsor many ITS exhibitions , training courses , forum and research conferences , are to be the tide of the cross-field media mode and the professional media services .

  25. 去年,《蝶》于香港演出轰动全城,民建联很高兴今年协办《爱上邓丽君》,向市民推介优秀文化艺术。

    With last year 's sensation of the musical Butterflies still fresh in mind , the DAB is delighted to co-host this event and to present excellent works of art .

  26. 除了政府部门、主办和协办单位,本届论坛还得到了各参展商的大力支持和通力合作,再次对此表示感谢。

    Besides government departments , sponsors and help sponsors , this forum has also enjoyed great support and cooperation from all exhibiters . Let 's express our gratitude for this again .

  27. 我借此机会,对各主办单位以及承办、协办单位为这次论坛的召开付出的巨大努力表示衷心感谢!

    I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of the host organizations , the organizer and associate sponsors , for great efforts made towards this forum .

  28. 活动由书院学生辅导处协办,于音乐会场设捐款箱,希望出席人士慷慨解囊,促成设立奖项颁予在书院有杰出服务贡献的同学。

    A donation box will be placed at the venue , and hopefully the event could raise sufficient fund for setting up the award to honor students with contributions in serving the College .

  29. 很高兴出席由清华大学主办、中国人民外交学会协办的世界和平论坛,与各位新老朋友见面。

    It gives me great pleasure to attend the World Peace Forum organized by Tsinghua University and co-organized by the Chinese Peoples Institute of Foreign Affairs and meet with friends old and new .

  30. 我深信,香港协办奥运和残奥委会马术比赛,亦同时促进了港人献身义务工作的服务精神及提升大家对运动的兴趣,为香港带来长远裨益。

    Staging the Olympic and Paralympic equestrian events also gave rise to a new spirit of volunteerism and sporting interest that I believe will stay with Hong Kong for many years to come .