
  • 网络a city upon the hill;a city upon a hill
  1. 无数移民为了逃避宗教迫害,或者为了追求经济繁荣,带着各自的梦想抵达美国,试图建立理想中的山巅之城和世俗的人间乐园。

    In order to escape religious persecution or pursue economic affluence , numerous immigrants arrived in America and attempted to establish " A City upon a Hill ", a religious utopia or " vale of plenty ", an earthly paradise .

  2. 美国这个"山巅闪耀之城"是如何成为贫富差距最大的发达国家的?

    How did this " shining city on a hill " become the advanced country with the greatest level of inequality ?

  3. 他确信美国仍然会是山巅闪耀之城,仍可以维持自由帝国的地位,仍然是世界上最后最美好的希望。

    He is convinced that America is still thea shining city on a hill , an empire of liberty , the last best hope of Earth .

  4. 他说:“为什么,这个国家明明是山巅闪光之城啊。”总统说的没错,在很多方面,我们的确非常辉煌。

    He said , " Why , this country is a shining city on a hill . " And the president is right . In many ways we are a shining city on a hill .

  5. 事实上,总统先生,您应该知道,美国更是一个“双城记”(寓意危机四伏的国家)而不仅仅是“山巅闪光之城”。

    In fact , Mr. President , this is a nation --- Mr. President you ought to know that this nation is more a " Tale of Two Cities " than it is just a " Shining City on a Hill . "