
  1. 运用引文分析法对山东省三甲妇幼保健院学术影响力的统计分析

    Citation analysis on the core journal published thesis by 3A maternity and child hospital of Shandong Province

  2. 办好具有中国特色的妇幼卫生专业运用引文分析法对山东省三甲妇幼保健院学术影响力的统计分析

    MANAGING WELL MATERNITY AND CHILD HYGIENICS SPECIALITY WITH CHINESE CHARACTERISTICS Citation analysis on the core journal published thesis by 3A maternity and child hospital of Shandong Province

  3. 山东省三级甲等妇幼保健院1995-2004年发表论文的文献计量学研究

    Papers of A-grade and third-class maternity children hospitals in Shandong Province from 1995 to 2004 : a bibliometric study