
The new recognition of Genesis and mechanism about Jiajia gold mine
It shows from calculation that this technology is feasible in this gold mine .
Basic geological characteristics of Xincheng gold deposit and Jiaojia faults have been briefly stated .
Large_scale Geological Mapping of Tectono_Deformation_Facies Features and Research of Tectonic Metallogenesis for the Linglong_Jiaojia Type Gold Deposits
By self-cost and revenue comparison method , inferior limit of low grade ores is calculated as1 .
The system has been applied in a specific case of Jiaojia Gold Mine of Shandong Gold Mining Co. , Ltd.
Now Jiaojia Gold Mine have successed in this , and the results is worth to be referenced for others .
To select the appropriate mining methods for the areas of Jiaojia Gold Mine , the stability of rock mass was classified .
Jiaojia Gold Mine is a typical constructure altered rock type deposit , but there is no an normal cause of formation model now .
Jiaojia Gold Mine is a famous constructure altered rock type deposit in China , its mineralization feature is deferent from the surface to the depth .
The geological conditions of Jiaojia Gold Mine are introduced , the types of engineering rock mass are classified and the methods of stope support are evaluated .
The author makes a detail description of the structure features and working principle of Model MERCURY-14 full hydraulic drilling jumbo as well as its operation in Jiaojia gold mine .
Mineral deposit model of Jiaojia gold belt is distribution of the deposits along the " one tectonic belt , two mineralized enrichment zone and three mineralized alteration zone " .
Cementing filling of full tailings , in place of coarse classified tailings , in Jiaojiagold mine can meet the needs for the strength of cementing filling body in mining .
In northwest of Jiaodong , there are three kinds of gold deposits known as altered rock type , quartz vein type and transitional type , all called Linglong Jiaojia type of gold deposit .
In this paper is discussed the zoning of gold deposit of Jiao-jia type , in the respects of mineralization , alteration , tectonite , mineral assemblage , element association and type of ore deposit etc.
In this paper , the review and summarization of the application of engineering cost administration in Jiaojia Gold Mine are made in order to get help and guidance from enterprises of the same trade .
The technological characteristics of upward horizontal cut and fill stoping , mechanized upward drift cut and fill method and mechanized downward drift cut and fill method are introduced and a few points to improve them are put forward .