
jiāo zhā
  • breeze;coke residues
  1. 以DOA基CMSs或DOA焦渣为碳源,微米镍粉为金属源,通过真空热处理法,合成了微纳米金属/碳复合材料。

    Carbon / nickel composites were synthesized with the vacuum heat treatment methods and utilizing CMSs or DOA residue coke as carbon source and nickel as catalyst .

  2. 褐煤超临界萃取焦渣活化及吸附性能研究

    Activation of supercritical toluene extracted lignites and their phenol sorption capacity

  3. 焦渣混凝土在拱桥旧桥加固中的应用

    Application of Cinder Concrete in the Strengthening of Old Arch Bridges

  4. 振动重介质流化床细粒焦渣混合物的分选

    Serration of fine Coke-slag mixture in vibrating fluidized beds with dense medium

  5. 褐煤活化焦渣吸附性能的研究

    Research on the Adsorbability of Activated Char of Brown Coal

  6. 焦渣空心砌块填充墙砌体施工方法探讨

    Discussion on construction method of cinder follow block filling wall

  7. 瘦精煤粘结指数与焦渣线性相关浅析

    Analyze the Coking Index of Lean Prepared Coal Related Linear with Coal Residue

  8. 以陶粒混凝土代替传统焦渣垫层,处理复杂的结构基层。

    The complex structural base is treated by ceramsite concrete instead of traditional cinder bed .

  9. 本文结合热态试验台提出了焦渣比作为判别煤结渣特性的判别方法,具有一定的创新意义。

    This thesis brought forward the ratio of coke and slag as the distinguish method of coal slagging characteristic .

  10. 研究了以建筑垃圾为骨料,利用高硫石油焦渣、粉煤灰等工业废渣制备再生砖。

    The research on commercial application of high sulfur petroleum coke as fuel in cement industry was put forward .

  11. 温度升高使焦渣含碳量和堆积密度降低。

    In addition , the experimental analyses show that , temperature increase reduces the carbon content and the bulk density of the char .

  12. 利用高硫石油焦渣和建筑垃圾制备再生砖焦炭流化床燃烧条件下氧化亚氮生成机理的实验研究

    Produce Recycled Brick with High-Sulfur Petroleum Coke Waste and Building Rubbish Experimental Study on Nitrous Oxide Formation during Char Combustion under Fluidized Bed Conditions

  13. 利用低硅尾矿和高硫石油焦脱硫渣生产加气混凝土,利废率高,成本低,有巨大的经济效益和环境效益。

    The use of low-silicon high-sulfur petroleum coke desulfurization of tailings and slag produced aerated concrete , Lee spent a high rate , low cost and has a huge economic and environmental benefits .

  14. 在鼓风炉熔炼铜镍特富矿中,从焦率和渣中CaO含量、SiO2/Fe等方面探讨渣中镍铜此,从而提高金属回收率的途径。

    In blast furnace smelting process , copper to Nickel ratio in slag were researched by coke ratio , CaO content and SiO2 / Fe in slag , to search a way for raising metals recovery .