
  1. 中国京剧院的京剧《张协状元》和北方昆曲剧院的昆曲《宦门子弟错立身》,虽然是中国戏曲中的传统剧目,但此次上演也被艺术家们赋予了新的生机。

    Theater and the Story of Official Family 's Children by North Qunqu Opera Theater are traditional Chinese operas , the artists fit new stuff in the presentations this time .

  2. 北方昆曲、高阳昆曲、南方昆曲,它们之间的关系是怎样的呢?为了研究本课题,我做了大量深入的田野调查和研究工作。

    Kunqu north , Gaoyang Kunqu Opera , Kunqu South , the relationship between them is what ? In order to study this issue , I have done a lot of in-depth field investigation and research work .