
  1. 他们象窥探一个狮子洞似的望着那黑暗的街垒。

    They gazed into the dark barricade as one would gaze into a lion 's den .

  2. 相信大利乌王命人将但以理扔到狮子洞时肯定非常伤心。

    It must have been a very heartbroken king that commanded Daniel to be cast into the den of lions .

  3. 我们已经逾越了死亡,我们会心甘情愿地朝狮子洞或者施虐者的拉肢刑具走去。

    We are above death , we should walk cheerfully to the den of the lion , or the rack of the torturer .

  4. 但以理叫心的为大利乌王工作,但在他生命里排在第一位的却是万王之王!但以理忠心的奉献给神。无论是大王的法令还是狮子洞里的凶猛的狮子都不能改变。

    Daniel served King Darius well , but his first devotion was to the King of Kings ! Daniel was stedfast and faithful in his love and devotion to God . The king 's decree nor the den of lions was going to change that .

  5. ??可怜的王最后对但以理说:“你所常事奉的神、他必救你。”你认为大利乌王相信吗?但以理被扔到狮子洞里去了,并且用一块石头将洞口封死。

    The king spoke his last words to Daniel : " Your God whom you serve continually , He will deliver you . " Do you think the king believed that ? ? ? Daniel was cast into the den of lions , and a stone was set on the opening of the den .

  6. 我的新妇,求你与我一同离开利巴嫩,与我一同离开利巴嫩。从亚玛拿顶,从示尼珥与黑门顶,从有狮子的洞,从有豹子的山往下观看。

    Come with me from lebanon , my bride , with me from lebanon ; see from the top of amana , from the top of Senir and hermon , from the places of the lions , from the mountains of the leopards .