
jūn chuán
  • naval ship;troop carrier
军船 [jūn chuán]
  • [military motor ship;troopship] 军队专用的机动船只;载兵的船

  1. 海船设计已引入了不少国外软件,但是在军船和内河船设计中还大量使用AutoCAD软件,国外的海船设计软件通过DXF文件也可以同AutoCAD软件相通。

    Many kinds of foreign software have been applied to the sea boat design , but the AutoCAD is still largely used by the warship and keel ship design . The foreign design software can be connected with the AutoCAD by the DXF document .

  2. 军船国际贸易市场是本文的研究重点。

    The study about warship international trade market is emphasis .

  3. 英格兰军船从南方迫进。

    English ships are moving up from the south !

  4. 渡海登陆战中的炮兵火力支援&对我军船载炮兵的技术分析

    Artillery Fire Support during Cross-channel and Landing Operation

  5. 结构振动和噪声控制对于民船和军船都是一项十分重要的研究课题。

    The noise and vibration control is a major research subject in civil and military fields .

  6. 在现有的民船设计规范或军船设计方法中都有对质量的规定,一般以公差的形式给出。

    Current design guidelines on quality requirements such as tolerance specifications are available from classification society rules or military standards .

  7. 一个官员说此举是用来试探当有物体被抛入海峡时,美方军船会采取何种策略。

    One official said the move may have been an attempt to ascertain what tactics the US ships would use if objects were dropped into the strait .

  8. 结构直接计算法在民用船舶设计中已经取得许多成功经验,但在军用舰船中的应用还处于起步阶段,我国军船规范中还没有进行舰艇结构直接计算的指南。

    Structure direct calculation methods have succeed in commercial ship design , but in the naval ship design , it still underway , there have no guidelines for direct analysis in our naval ship rules .

  9. 结构的振动噪声预报及其控制无论对于军船还是民船都是一项十分重要的研究课题,它关系到舰艇的隐身性能、船舶的舒适性以及结构的安全性。

    Forecast and control of Structural vibration and noise is an important project for both naval vessels and other kind of ships because it relates to the structural safety , stealth performance and comfort of passenger .

  10. 回顾了舰船电力推进的发展历程,并对国外综合电力推进、综合电力系统、吊舱式电力推进系统及电力推进技术在军船上的应用前景作了简介。

    This article reviews the development of electric propulsion for warships , and gives brief introduction to the applications of integrated electric propulsion , integrated electric system , pod electric propulsion system and electric propulsion technology on warships .

  11. 近年来,印度及东南亚国家大量进口军船及相关技术,破坏了亚太地区国家间的军力平衡,对亚太地区和我国的安全形势产生了重大影响,军船国际贸易成为国际社会关注的焦点。

    In recent years , India and Southeast Asia countries import a lot of warships and technology . This breaks the military balance among Asia-pacific countries , and has great influence on the security situation of Asia-pacific region and China .

  12. 通过对军船国际贸易市场进入壁垒、主要军船出口国市场行为的研究,发现军船国际贸易市场寡头垄断结构的形成是因为技术垄断,而主要军船出口国的市场份额则与其市场行为有关。

    Through studying the barriers to entry warship international trade market and the main exporters ' market behavior , the paper researcher finds the warship international trade market structure is formed by the technology monopoly . Major exporters ' market share are different because of their different market behaviors .