
  1. 信息时代,军事实践方式的转换导致并要求军事思维领域发生革命性的变化。

    The military transforming practice induces and demands revolutionary change in the field of military thinking in information age .

  2. 它发端于军事实践之中,是对军事活动及战争规律的客观反映;同时,又是人们常用以指导战争实践的基本方祛论。

    It is derived from military activities , it is a subjective reflection of military activities and positive and negative military rules ; conversely , it directs military practice as basic methodology .

  3. 同时,少林武术是在军事实践与汲取民间武术精华基础上发展起来的,是武僧集体智慧结晶的产物。

    From the macrocosm ," the origin of Shaolin Wushu " is based on the military practice and the cream of Chinese traditional Wushu , which is a crystallization of wisdom of military monks .

  4. 墨家主张智慧治国,把精心研究的智慧学理论,运用于经济、伦理、教育和军事实践,提出许多有智慧理据和借鉴意义的主张。

    Mohist School advocates governing a country through wisdom , using theories on wisdom , which they elaborated , to economy , ethics , education and military practice , and puts forward many bases with wisdom and propositions of referential value .

  5. 军队疗养院提高多样化军事任务实践

    Practices of Raising Medical Support Capability against Diversified Military Operations of Military Sanatorium

  6. 近年来,虽然越来越多的管理系统软件被应用到军事训练实践之中,但是基层旅团单位对军事训练信息的管理仍然采用着手工或半手工的传统管理模式。

    Recently , more and more management software systems are utilized in military training practice , but some units like brigade or regiment still use traditional way of handwork or half handicraft to manage the information of military training yet .

  7. 普通高校军事课程建设实践与前瞻

    Practice and Prospect of the Military Discipline Construction in Non-Military Universities

  8. 虚拟现实技术在军事职业教育实践教学中的应用

    Application of VR Technique in the Teaching Practice of Military Professional Education

  9. 苏轼军事思想与实践述论

    The Military Thoughts and Practical Commentary of Su Shi

  10. 在军事软件开发的实践中,经常要通过网络来传输结构型数据(如目标位置和状态信息、作战终端的GPS/GLONASS定位信息等)。

    During the development of military software , the structured-data transmission in windows systems is often used ( for instance , the target position and state , the GPS / GLONASS information of fight terminals , etc. )

  11. 文章根据对军事文献分类的实践并结合军事理论知识对《中图法》第四版E军事类目的不足之处进行了分析、论述,并对存在的问题提出了修改建议。

    Base on the practice of classifying military documents , along with the military theories , this paper analyzes the defects of " EMilitary " catalogue in the Chinese Library Classification ( the fourth edition ) , and has offered the suggestions of revising to the existing problems .

  12. 俄罗斯军事经济理论与实践研究

    The Russian military economy theory and Practice

  13. 不论“卒妻”在“兵制”的正常规范下是否进入军队正式编制之中,她们参与军事生活和战争实践的事实是不可以否认的。

    Regardless of whether or not the soldier 's wife belonged to the military system , the fact that they participated in the military life and war can not be denied .

  14. 仿真实验和真实图像实验表明,新算法精度高、稳定性好,可应用于航空测绘、虚拟现实、军事侦察等工程实践。

    Synthetic and real image test show the new method gives an accurate and robust result , and it can be applied to aerial surveying and mapping , virtual reality and military reconnaissance , etc.

  15. 坚持以党的军事指导理论引领军事实践创新发展

    Always Guide the Innovation and Development in Military Affairs with the Party 's Military Guidance Theory

  16. 跑跳项目就是当时训练提高体能的重要手段,在军事理论和军事体育实践中积累了宝贵经验。

    Running and jumping items were the important means in evaluating soldiers ' conditioning at that time . They accumulated precious experiences in military theories and in the military physical practice .

  17. 军事文化是人类在长期的军事实践过程中所创造的精神财富。

    Military culture is a kind of spiritual wealth in the long-term military practice of human being .

  18. 军事认识主体在军事活动中又是军事实践主体,要求认识与实践相协调。

    The subject of military cognition is also the subject of military practice in military activity , so cognition and practice must be coordinated .

  19. 军事立法技术是军事立法学和军事立法实践的基本要素之一,而军事立法技术的基本问题,则是军事立法技术研究的逻辑起点。

    As the logical starting point of military legal system and ruling army by law , the techniques of military legislation is the methods and skill aiming to scientific legislation used by the legislators .

  20. 军事技术就是人们为了顺利地赢得战争从而在军事实践中所积累的全部武器装备,以及设计、研制与操作这些武器装备的有关知识、规范与技能的总和。

    Military technology refers to all the weapons and equipment used in military practice , as well as the combination of relevant knowledge , specifications and skills applied in the design , manufacture and manipulation of these weapons and equipment , for the purpose of winning a war .

  21. 军事哲学存在的价值和根据,首先在于它适应了当代军事理论与军事实践发展的需要。

    Military philosophy has come to be established as a discipline , mainly because it fits in with the needs of the latest development in contemporary military theory and practice .

  22. 军事法制是军事法学基础理论中最基本的范畴之一,它对军事法制实践有着重要的指导意义。

    Military law system is the basic concept in the basic theory of military law science , and it has very important introductory meaning to the practice of military law system .

  23. 俄罗斯的军事医学在历次战争中不断得到发展,形成了具有鲜明特色的军事医学理论和实践体系。

    Military medicine has experienced a constant development in Russia through a number of wars and has formed unique military medical theories and practice of its own .

  24. 军事传播学是传播学研究中的一个重要内容。军事传播学理论源于军事实践,伴随着军事信息技术的发展而发展。

    Military dissemination is an important part of dissemination study , Which is from military experience and promoting by military info-tech.

  25. 从军事文化的角度探讨我国先秦秦汉时期军事乐舞的源起、流变、发展及其在军事实践中的运用,应该是很有意义的。

    In this paper , the writer probes into the source , change , development and its appliance in military practice of military music and dance of the age of before Qin Dynasty and Qin-Han Dynasties from the angle of military culture .

  26. 军事哲学体系本质上是开放的,对军事哲学的基本问题和问题域的认识是随着军事实践的发展而不断拓展的。

    Our comprehension of military philosophy deepens with the development of the times and especially with military practice .