
dà dòng xué
  • cavern
大洞穴[dà dòng xué]
  1. 他快要精疲力竭时,听到了一种奇怪的沙沙声,而且他看到前面有一个明亮的大洞穴。

    His strength was just failing him , when he heard a strange rustling , and saw before him a large lighted cavern .

  2. 女孩在大洞穴中迷了路。大山里峰回路转,很容易迷路。

    The girl lost her way in the cavern . In the mountains the paths wind along mountain ridges and one can easily get lost .

  3. 他们发现他们进入了一个地下大洞穴。

    They found themselves in a vast underground chamber .

  4. 大洞穴、构造断裂带、隧道衬砌壁后注浆。

    Large caves , tectonic fault zone , lining the tunnel wall grouting .

  5. 然而,这些天然的洞穴已经有变浅和分离的趋势,不像噶斯特地形似的能够形成网络状分布的大洞穴。

    However , the caves tend to be shallow and isolated , unlike Karst terrain where caves often form large interconnecting networks .

  6. 然而,在20世纪80年代后期,一些科学家探索位了于圣海伦娜的充满了水的大洞穴,其地理位置在美国西部的,远离内华达的海洋。

    However , in the late 1980s , some scientists were exploring Devil 's Hole , which is basically an extensive water-filled cave , far from the ocean , in Nevada , in the western United States .

  7. 这些隧道都很小,只有两英尺宽(约0.37平方米),不过也挖有大洞穴来容纳气泵,一个工场以及沿各个隧道而建的数个中途站。

    The tunnels were very small , only two feet square ( about 0.37 m ² ) , though larger chambers were dug to house the air pump , a workshop , and staging posts along each tunnel .

  8. 世界上每座城堡都是独一无二的,不过相比之下,这座小型城堡虽然简约,但它可能是世界上唯一一座山洞中的城堡,准确地说是斯洛文尼亚第二大洞穴系统。

    Every castle in the world is unique in some way , no two are the same , but this one - even though it 's rather small and humble compared to some - is probably the only one in the world who is integrated in a cave , precisely the second largest cave system in Slovenia .

  9. 从表面看它仅仅是一个很普通的小湖,然而事实上这个小湖的湖底经过2公里的通道之后却别有洞天,湖底通向一个比橄榄球球场还大的洞穴。

    From ground level , it appears to be nothing more than a pond , but narrow shafts at the bottom of the pond lead into a much larger underwater cave system with over 2 kilometers of charted passages , rooms larger than a football field , and shafts no wider than a doorway .

  10. 针对中原油田大裂缝、洞穴地层和粗孔隙渗透地层钻井时常发生严重井漏且极难处理的状况,研究出了一种能提高堵漏成功率的新型复合高强无机凝胶堵漏剂SDR-2。

    A novel composite high strength inorganic gel plugging agent , SDR-2 is developed for the large fractured and caved formation in Zhongyuan Oilfield , and solving the problem of serious and frequent lost circulations when drilling in the highly porous and permeable formation .

  11. 博尼斯推测,热带风暴阿加莎带来的强降雨,同时也加重了地下排水管道的负担,致使不断变大的地下洞穴最终塌陷。

    Heavy rains from tropical storm Agatha may also have overloaded underground sewage or drainage pipes , leading to a growing cavity that eventually collapsed , Bonis speculated .

  12. 从环氧树脂模型揭示了福建省福宁湾潮间带滩涂大弹涂鱼Boleophthalmuspectinirostris洞穴的整体结构。

    The burrow shapes of mudskipper ( Boleophthalmus pectinirostris ) in the intertidal mudflat of the Funing Bay , Fujian Province , were revealed by the models made from resin with hardener .

  13. 天坑形成方式通常有两种情况:一是水分饱和的土壤,由于重量过大致使地下石灰岩洞穴无法承受,造成顶部坍塌;或者因为水流导致石灰石岩床上的天然裂缝变宽。

    Natural sinkholes generally form when heavy , water-saturated soil causes the roof of an underground limestone cavity to collapse , or when water widens a natural fracture in limestone bedrock .