
zhōng xīn shì huǒ shān
  • central type volcano
中心式火山[zhōng xīn shì huǒ shān]
  1. 第二旋回的火山机构就位于NE向深断裂左旋走滑复活产生的SN向拉分构造与EW向基底断裂的结点,产生了中心式火山岩浆喷溢侵出。

    Volcanic apparatus in the second cycle was emplaced at junction points of SN trending pull apart structure activated by sinistral strike slipping of NE trending deep faults and EW trending basement faults causing the center type volcanic magma effusion and extrusion .

  2. 成矿系列(Ⅱ)分布于晚中生代火山活动带,受裂隙&中心式火山机构控制。

    The metallogenetic series (ⅱ) distributed in active belt in the late Mesozoic , controlled by fissure-central volcanic types .

  3. 中生代火山岩是一系列中心式或裂隙-中心式火山喷发作用的产物。

    Mesozoic volcanic rocks are the product of a number of eruptions of central or fissure-central types .