
  1. 本次国考招录共有120多个中央机关及其直属机构参加,计划招录2.7万余人,与上一年度规模基本持平。

    More than 27000 vacancies are offered by over 120 central departments and their affiliated public institutions in the 2017 civil servant recruitment drive . The number of vacancies is about the same as 2016 .

  2. 国家公务员局表示,2012年中央机关及其直属机构国家公务员考试创造了一个新纪录,109个招录职位的报名比例超过1000:1。

    According to the State Administration of Civil Service , the national exam for civil servant admission to central government agencies hit a new record in 2012 , with 109 positions receiving more than 1,000 applications each .

  3. 国家公务员局表示,2012年中央机关及其直属机构国家公务员考试创造了一个新纪录,109个招录职位的报名比例超过1000:1。

    According to the State Administration of Civil Service , the national exam for civil servant admission to central government agencies hit a new record in 2012 , with 109 positions receiving more than 1000 applications each .

  4. 经过2009年10月25、26日最后两天的资格审查,2010年中央机关及其直属机构公务员录用考试的报名工作已经正式收尾,总共通过资格审查的人数超过146万,再创历史新高。

    After the final two days of qualification , the enrollment work of civil service of central authorities and its institutions entrance examination in 2010 has been finally ending . A total number of people through the qualification is more than 1.46 million , new another record high .