
  1. 据甘肃省地震局消息,7月22日7时45分,甘肃省定西市岷县、漳县交界发生6.6级地震。

    The 6.6 - magnitude quake happened at 7:45 a.m. at the junction of the Minxian County and Zhangxian County , the Gansu Provincial Seismological Bureau said .

  2. 甘肃省地震局在兰州观象台建成了专门用于地震预报的极轨气象卫星云图接收站,为利用卫星资料进行短临地震预报新方法的探索提供了得天独厚的资料条件。

    Ground receiving telemetering station of polar meteorological satellite to earthquake prediction built by seismological bureau of Gansu province at Lanzhou geophysical observatory . The station affords us data of new method of studying short-impending term earthquake prediction .

  3. 本次地震发生在甘肃省地震局圈定的2003年度祁连山中东段6级地震重点危险区边缘,震前作出了较好的短期预测。

    The earthquake occurred at the edge of the M6 earthquake risk region , which was in the middle-east section of the Qilian Mountains and predicted by the Earthquake Administration of Gansu Province in 2003 . The good short-term prediction had been made before the shock .