
ɡē sà kè rén
  • Cossack
  1. 哥萨克人以骑术和剑术著称。

    Cossacks were famous for their horsemanship and their skill with the sword .

  2. 哥萨克人、罪犯与绝望的农民,常是唯一愿意去的人。

    Cossacks , convicts and desperate peasants have often been the only takers .

  3. 当哥萨克人追着你满欧洲跑的时候,你需要轻装上路。

    When the Cossacks are chasing you around Europe you need to travel light .

  4. 可就在当时,我们正处于冻死在冰天雪地的困境,而且不断受到哥萨克人的袭击。

    But in the meantime we were perishing in the ice , and continually attacked by the Cossacks .

  5. 这位哥萨克人追踪猎物时过于专注,结果没来得及看见就触动了那个机关。

    So intent on the trail was the Cossack that he was upon the thing before he saw it .

  6. 他有一颗浪漫怀旧的心,想要重返早期哥萨克人定居并保卫俄罗斯帝国边疆的生活。

    A romantic throwback to earlier generations of Cossacks who settled and secured the borders of the Russian empire .

  7. 马泽帕是乌克兰所谓的哥萨克人的酋长,或者说哥萨克军队领袖。在俄罗斯他被认为是叛徒,背叛了对彼得大帝忠诚的誓言。彼得大帝是在波尔塔瓦战役中获胜的指挥官。

    In Russia he is considered a traitor who betrayed an oath of allegiance to Czar Peter the Great , the commander at Poltava .

  8. 尽管很少走动,布加耶夫仍是个执着的哥萨克人;几百年来,哥萨克人是斯拉夫勇士的一支,是一群江洋大盗与爱好自由的反叛军。

    Mr. Bugaev is a dedicated , if largely sedentary , Cossack , a centuries-old fraternity of Slavic warriors , freebooters and freedom-loving rebels .

  9. “你居然敢用这么低劣的食物喂我们的俄国鸡”,哥萨克人一边说一边给了犹太人一棍子。

    " How dare you feed a fine Russian chicken such lowly food !" says the Cossack , and hits the Jew with a stick .

  10. 在阿尔内勒狄克,他是骑兵队长,他用马刀砍翻了六个哥萨克人,并且救了,不是他的将军,而是他的班长。

    At Arnay-Le-Duc , being then a captain , he put ten Cossacks to the sword , and saved , not his general , but his corporal .

  11. 我记得去年也是在这个地方,哥萨克人曾经威胁我们要攻击我们的哈瑞那姆,所以,今天我也没特意询问阿查亚尼提关于警察的事情。

    I didn 't bother asking Acaryanidhi why , because I remember this was where the Cossacks had threatened to beat us on our harinama last year .