
  • 网络Verasper variegatus;Verasper variegates;Verasper variegatus Temminck et Schlegel;Verasper variegates Temminck et Schlegel
  1. 圆斑星鲽(Veraspervariegatus)属冷温性大型底栖鱼类,是一种味道鲜美的高级食用鱼类。

    Spotted halibut ( Verasper variegatus ), as a cold-temperate macrobenthos , is high-level edible fish with delicious taste .

  2. 圆斑星鲽(Veraspervariegatus),俗称花斑宝、花瓶片,自然分布于我国黄渤海和东海、日本北海道以南至九州沿海。

    Spotted halibut ( Verasper variegatus ) is distributed in China Yellow Sea and East China Sea , south of Hokkaido to kyushu coast .

  3. 随后用21对微卫星引物对一个野生圆斑星鲽群体(30个体)进行遗传多态性检测。

    To estimate genetic variation in spotted halibut , we analyzed 21 microsatellite loci in 30 individuals of one wild population .