
  1. 五:展示您的真面目,所有的东西,大须

    Fridays : Show your true colors for all things OSU

  2. 而且,他的父母告诉他不能结婚,因为她克拉拉是一个大须。

    And , his parents tell him he must not marry Clara because she is an osu .

  3. 首先,克拉拉告诉他,她不能嫁给他,因为她是一个大须排斥。

    First , Clara tells him that she cannot marry him because she is an osu , an outcast .

  4. 中大须以承传及弘扬中国文化为宗旨,藉教学和学术探讨,致力于中国文化的研究、保存和现代化。

    Chinese culture shall be valued as part of the heritage of the University ; teaching and scholarship shall contribute to its study , preservation and modernization .

  5. 管治和行政,中大须成为一所高效益,高效率和负责任的学府,并能迅速地因应不断改变的环境,作出响应,以求能运用其资源,实现中大的愿望。

    The governance and management of the University shall be effective , efficient , accountable and able to respond rapidly to changing circumstances , in order that the university can marshal its resources to achieve its vision .

  6. 每个大组须准备两个或三个节目。

    Each group has to prepare two or three performances .

  7. 西部大开发须不断强化地方政府服务竞争力

    Western development continuously strengthens competitive in local government service

  8. 所以预测大地震须用大视野,即大的时空观。

    So , panoramic eyeshot with large spatiotemporal scale is very necessary in predicting large earthquakes .

  9. 人民币汇率变化会为金融稳定带来潜在问题,大家务须谨慎考虑。

    Potential financial-stability issues associated with changes to the renminbi exchange rate must be considered with great care .

  10. 我这时突然感到一种异样的感觉,觉得他满身灰尘的后影,刹时高大了,而且愈走愈大,须仰视才见。

    Suddenly I had the strange sensation that his dusty retreating figure had in that instant grown larger . Indeed , the further he walked the larger he loomed , until I had to look up to him .

  11. 现有的一些规定要求,若涉及到收购价格,参与并购提议的管理层或大股东须投弃权票,但仍有很多领域需更为明确的规定。

    There are already some rules in place that require management or major shareholders who are a party to an acquisition proposal to abstain from voting if it comes to price , but there are still many areas where clearer regulations would be helpful .

  12. 西部大开发法治须先行

    The western development and the construction of rule of law

  13. 我看到有个长着一大绺黑须的男子正从出租马车的窗户里往外看。

    I saw a man with a large black beard looking out of the taxi window .

  14. 1英寸管的极限分辨率为800TVL,2/3英寸管的为700TVL。衰减惰性稍大,尚须改进。

    The limiting resolution of 800 TVL for 1 inch tubes and about 700 TVL 2 / 3 inch tubes are observed .

  15. 葡萄胎无血管的绒毛是十分大的。须与单纯水样变性相区别。图示子宫内胎盘正在死亡。

    The avascular villi of molar pregnancy are quite large . However , these must be distinguished from simple " hydropic degeneration " seen in placentas of fetuses undergoing intrauterine demise .

  16. 当时他已经刮去了他标志性的大胡子和八字须。

    He had shaved his signature beard and moustache .

  17. 因此,对这些大功率冲击负荷须采用就地补偿,才能避免这些装置引起的功率因数低和谐波污染等问题。

    As a result , to avoid the low power factor and high harmonic pollution caused by these devices , spot compensation should be used on these high-power impact loads .