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  1. 墙壁上则挂满了诺佛斯、科霍尔和里斯产的精美织锦。门两侧是一对瓦雷利亚的狮身人面兽雕像,圆润的红榴石双眼在黑色大理石的脸上显得炯炯有神。

    The walls were hung with tapestries from Norvos and Qohor and Lys , and a pair of Valyrian sphinxes flanked the door , eyes of polished garnet smoldering in black marble faces .

  2. 斯芬克司是古埃及的狮身人面兽,它有人的面容和兽的身体,头上顶着比天还高的理想脚下却不能离开地面一步。

    Sphinx is an ancient Egyptian animal with half lion 's body and half divine 's face , it possesses an ideal higher than sky , but it can 't move away from the earth .