
  • 网络DEFORESTATION;forest destruction
  1. 蒸水流域的森林破坏与水土流失

    The relationship between the deforestation and the soil and water loss in the valley of the Zheng river , Hunan Province

  2. 因此研究岷江上游森林破坏与河流水沙变化的关系也具有一定的现实意义。

    Therefore , Studying relationship between deforestation and variations of runoff and sediment of the upper reaches of Minjiang River has certain realistic meanings , too .

  3. 森林破坏,面积缩小;

    Forests have been being damaged , the area has been reducing .

  4. 中国野象南移与森林破坏

    Southward migration of Chinese wild elephant and forest destruction

  5. 岷江上游的水沙变化及其与森林破坏的关系

    Flow-sediment variation and relation with deforest in the upstream of the Minjiang river

  6. 我们不知道森林破坏的精确数字,但是我们可以从抽样的测量来推算。

    We do not know the exact figure for forest damage , but we can extrapolate from the sample surveys .

  7. 岷江上游生态环境问题严重,森林破坏、植被生态功能退化、水土流失、生物多样性减少。

    Ecological problems are serious in the upper reaches of Minjiang River . Forest is destroyed , ecological function of vegetation is degraded , and soil errosion is severe .

  8. 土壤退化是人类活动诱导和加速的一种自然过程,其中最主要的人为驱动因素为农业土壤不适当的利用与管理、森林破坏以及过度放牧等。

    As a natural process , soil degradation can be enhanced or dampened by a variety of human activities such as inappropriate agricultural management , overgrazing and deforestation , etc.

  9. 以主分量分析方法可明显将林中草层蝗虫群落分为森林破坏严重和不严重两种类型。

    Using principal component analysis ( PCA ), the grasshopper community structures of fragmentary forest can be divided into two types : the slightly damaged forest and the severely damaged forest .

  10. 宁夏传统农业的发展有秦汉、唐宋、明清3个高峰时期,而这3个高峰时期又恰恰成为其森林破坏最为严重的时期。

    In Ningxia , the traditional agriculture got into its peak in the Qin , Han , Tang , Song , Ming and Qing dynasties when the forests were destroyed greatly .

  11. 森林破坏率已经达到了世界最高,比任何一个国家都高,我打赌你现在肯定想到了巴西。在加拿大,森林破坏率是每年3.6%。

    has had the highest forest disturbance rate of any country worldwide , and I bet you thought it was Brazil . In Canada , it 's 3.6 percent per year .

  12. 物种多样性随森林破坏强度的加大而减小。3.森林破坏强度越大,小兽密度和生物量则越小。

    The increase of disturbed intensity of forest leads to the declines of the species diversity , moreover , the larger of the disturbance intensity , the smaller of the density and biomass .

  13. 由于周边社区集体森林破坏严重,使保护区受到周围村社的“蚕食”,给高黎贡山的森林资源管理和生物多样性保护工作带来了巨大的压力。

    In the past , the Natural Reserves have been threatened by the villages surrounding because of the destruction of their community forests , which lead to serious loss of biodiversity in this area .

  14. 民国时期是甘南森林破坏最为严重的一个时期,主要是由于木材交易业的兴起、人口增加、森林火灾等原因导致的。

    In the Republic of China ( 1912-1949 ), owing to the rise of lumber trade industry , the growth of population and the forest fires , the forest in South Gansu was badly destroyed .

  15. 闽北山区地质、地貌复杂,降雨量多,经过3次森林破坏,土壤侵蚀面积曾达2320km2,成为福建省土壤侵蚀的新的典型区域。

    The geology and landforms of the mountainous area located in the northern Fujian are complicated with more precipitation . After three times deforestation , the area of soil erosion has increased to 2 320 km 2 , becoming a new typical region of soil erosion in Fujian Province .

  16. 每年都有几千公顷的森林遭到破坏。

    Thousands of hectares of forest are destroyed each year .

  17. 由于森林遭到破坏,目前该国的部分地区水源短缺。

    As a result of the rape of the forests , parts of the country are now short of water .

  18. 从地方的层面看,阳光充足的地区所需要的森林遭到破坏的话,会影响到该地区的鸟类和动物。

    On a local level , the damage of the forest required by full-sun fields affects the area 's birds and animals .

  19. 保护森林免遭破坏是我们的责任。

    It 's our duty to protect the forests from destruction .

  20. 采获不可再生的生物质可使森林遭受破坏,因而发生气候变化。

    Non-renewable harvesting of biomass contributes to deforestation and thus climate change .

  21. 许多突袭都被这些森林巨人破坏。

    A lot of rushing attacks have choked crashing into these forest giants .

  22. 热带森林的破坏:大气化学所产生的影响

    Tropical Deforestation : Some Effects on Atmospheric Chemistry

  23. 森林的破坏影响了当地的经济。

    Destruction of the forest affected local economy .

  24. ,随着森林的破坏,环境逐渐恶劣,农业水平下降;

    , environment changed gradually bad , and the agriculture level dropped with destroying forest ;

  25. 人们广泛认为森林遭破坏是大气污染的结果。

    There is wide agreement that the forest damage is the result of atmospheric pollution .

  26. 许多森林被破坏了。

    Many forests have been destroyed .

  27. 致使森林资源破坏严重,其生态功能下降趋势明显。

    All these lead to widespread destruction of forest resources , its clear decline of ecological functions .

  28. 我们的森林遭到破坏

    The rape of our forests

  29. 清至民国时期祁连山区森林的破坏变迁状况。

    The forest change status of the Qilian Mountain during the Qing Dynasty and the Minguo period .

  30. 由于更多森林被破坏,每年有大量的好土壤流失掉了。

    With more forests being destoryed , huge quantities of good earth are washed away each year .