
  • 网络digital image processing;digital image processing techniques;DIPT
  1. 数字图像处理技术在地震CT申的应用

    Application of digital image processing technique to seismic computerized tomography

  2. 基于MATLAB的数字图像处理技术在等离子体显示器中的应用

    Application of Digital Image Processing Technology Based on MATLAB in Plasma Display Panel

  3. CT数字图像处理技术在沥青混合料微观结构分析中的应用

    Application of X-ray Computed Tomography in Analysis of Microstructure of Asphalt Mixture

  4. 介绍一种采用数字图像处理技术而设计的肿瘤细胞DNA图像分析系统。

    This paper describes a cancer cell DNA image analysis system developed using digital image processing technology .

  5. 图像处理法包括:数字图像处理技术和断层x射线扫描成像技术。

    The image processing consists of digital image processing technique and X-ray computerized tomography technique .

  6. 利用数字图像处理技术,设计出一种基于线阵CCD成像技术的轴承表面缺陷非接触在线检测系统。

    Based on CCD image measuring and image processing techniques , an online non-touch measuring system for measuring bearing pock is developed .

  7. 基于IDL的医学数字图像处理技术初探

    Medical digital image processing technology based on IDL : a pilot study

  8. 数字图像处理技术在AGV上的应用

    Application of digital image processing technology on AGV

  9. 计算机辅助检测(Computer-aideddetection,CAD)是指用数字图像处理技术和计算机视觉技术等,帮助医生解读海量图像,获得有价值的诊断信息。

    Computer-aided detection ( CAD ) can help doctors interpret mass images and get valuable diagnostic information with digital image processing technique , computer visualization and so on .

  10. X射线检测系统与数字图像处理技术相结合可以实现缺陷的自动检测和分类,并使检测结果的评定过程客观化、科学化和规范化。

    The technology that combining X-ray inspection system and digital image processing technology can detect the defects automatically , making the detection results objective , scientific and standard .

  11. 该系统采用X射线对产品成像,运用数字图像处理技术对射线图像进行预处理,由神经网络算法进行故障诊断。

    In the system , digital image processing technology is used to preprocess X_ ray images of the products , and neural network algorithm is applied to diagnose faults .

  12. 应用数字图像处理技术,可以改善图像的质量,突出图像中的有效信息,提高地震CT技术的应用效果。

    Application of this digital image processing technique can improve the . quality of image , highlight the effective information of the image , and enhance the advantages of seismic computerized tomography .

  13. 此程序利用数字图像处理技术对CCD摄像机采集到的激光光束截面图像进行处理和分析,以获得光束的质量参数。

    This program processes and analysis the laser beam cross-section image captured by CCD camera using digital image processing technology to get the beam quality parameters .

  14. 为了从图像信息中得到电弧等离子体的参数,本研究选用了高精度的CCD相机,建立了基于数字图像处理技术CCD电弧等离子体参数的诊断系统。

    In order to get the vacuum arc parameters from the images information , an arc parameters diagnostic system using high-resolution digital CCD camera is designed too .

  15. 为此,本文提出基于CCD技术及数字图像处理技术获取平面机构构件运动参数的方法,并编写了相应的计算机处理程序。

    Therefore the method , acquiring the motion parameters of components of planar mechanism , based on CCD and digital images processing technology is put forward in this paper .

  16. 针对其测试原理.采用高灵敏度低噪声CCD器件作为像管输出图像的探测接收器.并引入数字图像处理技术。

    Based on its test principle , a highly sensitive and low noise CCD is adopted as the output image detector and the digital image processing technology is introduced .

  17. 另一方面随着嵌入式Linux系统以及数字图像处理技术的深入发展,使得数字图像处理技术在具有嵌入式Linux操作系统的开发平台上得到了发展和实现。

    On the other hand , with the development of embedded Linux systems and digital image processing technology , face-detect technology has been implemented on the platform with embedded linux operating system .

  18. 介绍了CCD摄像机在靶场光学测量设备中的应用,它可以取代摄影机的胶片记录,采用数字图像处理技术,构成电视跟踪系统。

    The paper introduces an application of CCD camera to Range photogrammeter . It can replace the film recording . TV tracking system may be made up by digital image processing .

  19. 利用数字图像处理技术,建立了一套主轴回转精度的CCD测量系统。

    A set of charge coupled device ( CCD ) measuring system has been established for the determination of rotary precision of spindle by use of treatment technology of digital picture .

  20. 最后,基于MATLAB和Visualc++平台,利用数字图像处理技术,设计实现滑板图像的检测原理及相关算法,检测和定位滑板的上下边缘。

    Finally , based on the MATLAB and Visual C + + platform , the image processing technology that included the detection theory and related algorithms was used to detected and located the edge of pantograph .

  21. 本文研究的新型激光板形检测方法是利用棒状激光器、CCD成像技术和数字图像处理技术非接触式检测热轧板带钢板形的方法。

    A new laser shape profile measurement was discussed in this paper , which is a non-contact hot rolling shape measurement using club laser , CCD imaging technology and digital image processing .

  22. 基于Visualc++.NET开发平台,运用A参数法结合数字图像处理技术、模式识别与人工神经网络技术,开发成功了高温构件进行寿命预测系统。

    Based on ^ - parameter method incorporated with image processing , pattern recognition and artificial neural network techniques , the life assessment software for high temperature materials with friendly user interface is developed under Visual C + + .

  23. 方法:图像特征点提取用数字图像处理技术得到,利用Matlab进行单元自动划分,得到有限元分析数据。

    METHODS : The contour points were obtained by using digital image process . The Matlab software was used to differentiate automatically the elements and nodes so as to get data for finite element analysis .

  24. 通过对比分析几类路面数据采集传感器,提出了基于CCD摄像机的路面裂缝识别技术,研究了如何利用数字图像处理技术解决路面裂缝自动识别的问题。

    Through comparison of several kinds of data collection sensors , the pavement crack detection system based on CCD camera is proposed and the crack automatic recognition using digital image processing is researched .

  25. 测量系统采用半导体激光器作光源,线阵CCD作光电接收器,运用数字图像处理技术,使系统精度达到比较满意的程度。

    The measuring system consists of LD as light source and linear CCD camera as photo electricity receiver . Using digital image processing in this measuring system in order to improve the measuring accuracy .

  26. 本课题首先运用VFW(VideoforWindows)技术建立摄取鸡蛋图像的方法,然后获得基于数字图像处理技术的鸡蛋新鲜度、蛋重等品质的检测模型。

    This task is to firstly find the method of obtaining images by VFW ( Video for Windows ) and then build math models about egg greenness and weight by image manipulation .

  27. 提出了一种采用三维噪声理论和数字图像处理技术对电视跟踪系统视频信噪比(SNR)进行测试的新方法,并给出了测试系统的结构框图和部分测试结果。

    A new method for testing the video signaltonoise ratio ( SNR ) of television tracking system was brought forward , in which3D noise theory and digital image processing technique was adopted .

  28. 本文阐述了数字图像处理技术的相关知识,并分析了OpenCV数字图像处理函数库的使用方法。

    This article described the relevant knowledge of digital image processing technique and analyzed the application of function database for OpenCV digital image processing .

  29. 阐述了常用的检测方法及其特点,并将基于数字图像处理技术的自动光学检测(AOI)作为研究对象。

    And some normal inspection methods and the automatic optical inspection ( AOI ) which is base on digital image processing technology are amplified .

  30. 故探讨基于IDL的医学数字图像处理技术,以期推动其在国内医学影像学科的应用。

    In this paper , we investigated initially the work of digital medical image processing with IDL , so as to promote the application of IDL in medical imageology .