
  • 网络digital;digital media;digitalmedia
  1. 聘请画家、数字媒体专家、摄影师、预订代理和促销员来销售门票和为活动做宣传。

    Painters , digital media experts , photographers , booking agents and promoters are hired to sell tickets and promote the event .

  2. 基于IP的数字媒体信息服务网络系统

    Information Service System of Digital Media Based on IP

  3. “从十年前甚至十二年前开始就已经在预测互动电视广告时代即将到来,”来自一家数字媒体咨询公司的科林·狄克逊如此说道。

    " It 's been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years , " says Colin Dixon of a digital-media consultancy .

  4. Vogue全球编辑总监安娜·温图尔表示,“我很高兴章凝成为了《Vogue服饰与美容》的新任编辑总监,她国际化的成长背景、对数字媒体的精通,以及广泛的兴趣爱好,势必能为《Vogue服饰与美容》带来更好的发展。”

    Anna Wintour , Vogue 's global editorial director says : " I am so delighted that Margaret is our new editor in chief of Vogue China . Her international experience , exceptional multiplatform digital expertise , and wide-ranging interests are the perfect combination to lead Vogue China into the future . "

  5. 基于DSP的硬盘存储式数字媒体系统的研究

    Study of hard disc-storage digital media system based on DSP

  6. 基于数字媒体DSP的网络实时视频采集系统

    Real-Time Network Video Acquisition System Based on Digital Media DSP

  7. 数字媒体DSP在视频监控领域的应用

    Application of Digital Media DSP in Video Monitoring Area

  8. 苹果还设计了数字媒体接收器苹果TV以使人们能够购买和租看电影和电视节目。

    Its digital media receiver Apple TV was also designed so people can buy and rent movies and television shows .

  9. 基于Petri网的数字媒体分发协议的安全性证明

    Proof of the Security of Digital Media Distributing Protocol Based on Petri Net Models

  10. 现在,用户可以访问更多的数字媒体,同时有越来越多的用户将PC作为其电子设备的连接中心。

    Consumers today have access to more digital media and are increasingly using the PC as the hub of their electronic experiences .

  11. 数字媒体发行环境下的DRM体系设计

    System Design of DRM Applied in the Digital Media Distribution

  12. 基于MPEG的数字媒体采集存储系统

    MPEG Based Digital Media Capturing and Storing System

  13. 其中可能包括福克斯数字媒体(FoxDigital)的首席执行官乔恩•米勒,据报道米勒已经与雅虎董事会进行过“初期的、非正式的”会谈。

    One of those candidates may include fox digital chief Jon Miller , who has reportedly had " early and unofficial " discussions with the company board .

  14. 公司E有一句话来描述他们的任务:“通过创新性,智能化,可用的数字媒体方案的概念和执行来服务客户。”

    Company E has one statement describing their mission : " Serve the client through the conception and execution of innovative , intelligent , usable digital media solutions . "

  15. 比Facebook历史更悠久的公司,如福特和Adobe,普遍都在关注对尚未习惯数字媒体的员工进行培训的问题。

    For companies older than Facebook , such as Ford and adobe , retraining non-digital natives is a common concern .

  16. 新兴P2P流媒体运营商、主流数字媒体运营商、电信运营商业务实现方案及部署思路各不相同。

    There are different services realization plans and formal operation deployment thoughts among new P2P streaming media providers , mainstream digital media carriers and telecommunications carriers .

  17. Adobe的数字媒体组已经用RTMP实现了一些东西,结果都非常棒。

    The Digital Media group at Adobe has done some great things with RTMP .

  18. 但Mac电脑旨在执行重要的家庭和企业任务,而iPad则是一款旨在消费数字媒体的小型奢侈品设备。

    But Macs are intended to perform essential household and business tasks , while the iPad is a small luxury device aimed at consuming digital media .

  19. 基于P2P技术的流媒体系统是指采用P2P的对等网络架构,利用P2P的内容交换技术,实现数字媒体内容多节点流式传输并播放。

    A peer-to-peer ( P2P ) multimedia streaming system is a system in p2p network architecture , utilizing content exchange technologies for delivering and broadcasting digital content through multiple nodes .

  20. 对于Java开发人员来说,支持数字媒体的创建、修改和回放的能力最强、功能最丰富的API就是QuickTimeforJavaAPI。

    For Java developers the most capable and versatile API to enable the creation , modification , and playback of digital media is the QuickTime for Java API .

  21. 家庭数字媒体中心与UPNP架构

    Home Digital Media Center and UPNP Architecture

  22. 主要从IT与TV产业的整合、媒体产业的分工模式以及未来数字媒体的内容形态等方面探讨数字媒体的发展趋势。

    In this article , its development trends are discussed through three aspects : integration of IT industry and TV industry ; the work division model of media industry ; the content form of future digital media .

  23. 目前,在CollegeGreenlight上可以搜索到的奖学金信息包括:对有兴趣从事广播新闻或数字媒体行业的学生提供的10000美元奖励;

    Among the scholarships currently available on College Greenlight is a $ 10 , 000 award for a student interested in broadcast journalism or digital media ;

  24. 在“选择媒体”屏幕上,单击希望首先添加到cd或dvd的数字媒体文件的类型,然后单击“下一步”。

    On the select media screen , click the first type of digital media file that you want to add to the CD or dvd , and then click next .

  25. 国际汽联,On3数字媒体播放器和图书馆,硬盘媒体播放器。

    FIA , On3 digital media player and library , hard disk based media player .

  26. 计算机实时图形技术是计算机三维游戏,计算机辅助设计与制造(CAD/CAM),.数字媒体创作(DCC)、虚拟现实等领域中的基本问题。

    The real-time rendering is the basic foundation of 3D games , computer aideddesign ( CAD ), computer aided manufacture ( CAM ), Digital Content Creation ( DCC ) and virtual reality .

  27. seobythesea搜索引擎营销顾问比尔史劳斯基(billslawski)表示,上述谷歌技术可能会削弱新数字媒体公司的竞争力。

    Bill slawski , search engine marketing consultant at SEO by the sea , said the Google technology could undercut offerings by new digital media companies .

  28. 数字媒体专业(DigitalMedia)的概念近年来才提出成为热点的,主要研究通过计算机技术存储、处理和传播信息的媒体,或者是以数字化形式传递信息的媒介。

    The concept of digital media is formed very recently , but it became a very hot subject quickly . Digital media is mainly about computer storing technology and medium of processing and transmiting information , or medium which use digitization method to transfer information .

  29. 今年早些时候,BuzzFeed发布的《纽约时报创新报告》(NewYorkTimesInnovationReport)概述了“灰色女士(译注:纽约时报别称)”在其转型为一家数字媒体公司的征途中所面临的种种挑战,引起了传媒界的巨大关注。

    Earlier this year , BuzzFeed made waves in the media industry by publishing the New York Times Innovation Report , an internal document that outlines the paper 's challenges in transforming The Gray Lady into a digital media company .

  30. 本文作者BenElowitz是下一代网络出版商Wetpaint公司创始人之一,公司首席执行官。写有探讨数字媒体未来的博客DigitalQuarters和简报MediaSuccess。

    Ben Elowitz is co-founder and CEO of next-generation Web publisher Wetpaint , and author of the Digital Quarters blog and Media Success newsletter about the future of digital media .