
  • 网络massive ore
  1. 矿石类型分块状矿石、角砾状矿石及浸染状矿石三种。

    The ore can be classified into three types , that is , massive ore , breccia ore and disseminated ore.

  2. 分析了金川铜镍硫化物矿床的一组浸染状矿石和一组块状矿石的Re、Os含量和Os同位素组成。

    Re and Os concentrations and Os isotopic ratios for disseminated and massive ores from the Jinchuan Cu-Ni sulfide deposit are analyzed .

  3. 云浮硫铁矿致密块状矿石低成本选矿工艺研究

    Study on low-cost mineral processing technology for the compact and lumpy ores from pyrite deposit in Yunfu

  4. 粒径达1-2mm的赤铁矿斑晶呈板状自形晶浸染于块状矿石中。

    Hematite phenocrysts , up to 1 - 2 mm in size , can be seen to occur as euhedral laths disseminated in massive ores .

  5. 本文主要论述块状矿石显微镜下矿物含量点测法的估计定律,以及此定律的简要证明、测量统计中最低限度样本容量的确定及误差范围。

    In this paper , estimating law for mineral content , simple proof of the law and determining lowest sample size and error range in measure and statistics are discussed . The law is used in point measure method with microscope to mass ore.

  6. 电子探针和中子活化的分析结果表明,在块状硫化物矿石中,Ag主要以分散态富集在粗粒硫化物和细粒硫化物集合体中,在热液活动的早期和晚期均有Ag的富集。

    According to electron microprobe analysis and neutron activation analysis , silver is mainly rich in the coarse grained sulfide and fine grained sulfide aggregate as dispersion regime in the massive sulfide ore . Silver enrichment mineralization occurs in the early and late period of hydrothermal activity .

  7. 矿床都具复合矿石类型,但以多层似层状块状硫化物矿石为主。

    Ore types are complex , but layered massive sulfide type predominates .

  8. 江西武山块状硫化物矿石表生风化过程中稀土元素地球化学行为

    Behavior of Rare Earth Elements during Weathering of Sulphide at Wushan Copper Mine , Jiangxi Province , China

  9. 块状硫化物矿石中硫化物的压溶和增生及成矿意义&以加拿大西部矿床为例

    Pressure Solution and Overgrowth of Sulphides in Massive Sulphide Ores and Their Metallogenic Significance : Exemplified by Deposits of Western Canada

  10. 加拿大西部块状硫化物矿石普遍地发生过硫化物的压溶和增生。

    Sulphide minerals as well as gangues in these deposits have suffered intense pressure solution , and the sulphides have undergone multi_stage overgrowth .

  11. 矿石呈块状,矿石中主要有益组分为铜、次要元素为金和硫;矿石中铜的品位较高,金品位相对较低,属含金富铜矿。

    The ores are massive , the ore-forming elements are mainly of copper , followed by gold and sulfur ; the grade of copper is higher while that of gold is lower , thus , these ores are gold-bearing copper-rich ores .

  12. 用XRF技术分析块状含锰矿石

    Analyzing Manganese Ore at A Coarse Size by XRF Technique

  13. 矿区内出露的碧玉岩主要呈透镜状、少数为雨滴状分布于块状石英赤铁矿矿石中。

    Jasperite exposured in the mining is mainly spread in quartz hematite ore as lensing or raindrop .