
kuài jūn
  • truffle;ferfas;terfez
块菌[kuài jūn]
  1. 块菌(truffles)为一类块状地下共生真菌的通称,而非独立的分类单元。

    Truffle is the common name of hypogeal fungus with clump shape , and it is not the independent taxon unit .

  2. 块菌生态和生理特性研究

    Studied on the Ecological and Physiology Property of Truffle

  3. 块菌rDNA的ITS序列分析试验条件的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of Optimal Condition on rDNA Its Sequence Analysis of Truffles

  4. 中国块菌属(Tuber)系统学研究

    Systematic Study on Tuber in China

  5. 多年前,为了与DBBistro餐馆的汉堡抗衡,他设计了鹅肝酱包,里面塞满金叶和块菌。

    He devised the foie gras bao years ago as a riposte to the DB Bistro burger , stuffing it with gold leaf and truffles .

  6. 午餐可以尝试PaneAlici餐馆,那里有柔滑的鸡蛋干酪汤、块菌凤尾鱼以及顶上有芝麻菜的自制黑圆面包(9欧元)。

    For lunch , try the Pane Alici , prepared with creamy stracciatella cheese , truffled anchovies and arugula on a black , seppia-ink bun made in-house ( 9 euros ) . 7 .

  7. 黑孢松露这种黑色冬块菌原先产于法国东南部的佩利哥(Périgord),如今在特鲁埃尔大规模种植,当地种植者自豪地宣称此地出产的松露占据了全球五分之一的产量。

    the black winter truffle traditionally associated with P é rigord in southwest France but now cultivated here on such a scale that local producers claim Teruel accounts for a fifth of the global crop .

  8. 中国块菌主要生理特性初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Main Physiological Characteristics of Tuber sinense

  9. 他会像猪找块菌那样找寻它。

    He would go after it like a pig after truffles .

  10. 15个块菌菌株的形态学与分子生物学鉴定

    Identification of Morphology and Molecular Biology on 15 Turber Strains

  11. 印度块菌苗木菌根化接种技术研究

    Study on the Inoculation Technology of Tuber sp. for the Mycorrhizal Seedlings

  12. 块菌可说是世界上最珍贵的食品之一。

    Truffles are among the most highly valued foods in the world .

  13. 猪用鼻子翻拱出块菌。她翻寻出一本旧日记。

    The hogs rooted out truffles . She hunted out an old diary .

  14. 我们要是永远找不到那些块菌就太可惜了。

    A shame we may never find those truffles .

  15. 我国块菌采收和贸易问题浅议

    Lssues on Truffle Harvesting and Trade in China

  16. 块菌生态学特性的初步研究

    A Primary Study on Ecological Property of Truffle

  17. 鹅的肝脏(浸泡在白兰地酒中)和块菌制成的一种脑袋。

    A pate made from goose liver ( marinated in cognac ) and truffles .

  18. 再加上牛肝菌或块菌,每人一份。

    With Boletus or truffles , per season .

  19. 采购:干食用菌,新鲜块菌,包装(玻璃,塑料)

    Buy : Dried mushroom , Fresh truffles , Packaging ( glass jars , Plastic )

  20. 可食用块菌人工栽培研究进展

    Research Progress for Cultivation of Edible Truffles

  21. 中国块菌及其生态研究

    Study on Chinese Truffle and its Ecology

  22. 块菌形巧克力经常有朗姆酒的味道。

    Truffles are often flavoured with rum .

  23. 蘑菇及块菌,用醋或醋酸以外的其他方法制作或保藏的。

    Mushrooms and truffles , prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid .

  24. 猪用鼻子翻拱出块菌。

    The hogs rooted out truffles .

  25. 块菌作为一种稀有食用真菌,具有丰富的营养和优越的保健功能。

    As a kind of rare edible fungus , Truffles has abundant nutritions and superior health function .

  26. 版楔用来将铅字锁固在活版架中的楔形块猪用鼻子拱着翻出块菌。

    A wedge-shaped block used to lock type in a chase . The pigs rooted out truffles .

  27. 食用块菌的研究进展

    Research advancement of Truffles

  28. 黑孢块菌菌根化幼苗是该菌在树木上完成半人工模拟栽培的基础。

    Mycorrhizal seedlings are the basis of mycorrhizal synthesis of Tuber melanosporum on the trees roots in the soil .

  29. 罗纳河谷山坡地村庄里采收的葡萄在生长过程中渐渐地带有灌木丛和块菌的香味。

    For the Cotes du Rhone villages and the vintages it evolves over time into flavors of undergrowth and truffle .

  30. 对印度块菌的分类、生理生态、菌根合成等研究也在不断深入。

    The researches of classification , physiological ecology , mycorrhizal synthesis and so on for T. indicum were constantly specializing .