
kuài shè bèi
  • block device
  1. guest只是启动列表中的第一个块设备。

    The guest simply boots the first block device in the list .

  2. 现在使用一个init/domounts.c:mountroot()调用将这个块设备挂载到根文件系统上。

    Mounting the block device now as root begins with a call to init / do_mounts . c : mount_root () .

  3. 基于优化的COW虚拟块设备的虚拟机按需部署机制

    On-Demand Deployment of Virtual Machines Based on Optimized COW Virtual Block Device

  4. 基于核态Socket的网络块设备研究

    Network Block Devices Based on Kernel Level Sockets

  5. DOS块设备I/O控制技术研究

    A study on I / o controlling technology of DOS block device

  6. 块设备包括IDE与scsi设备。

    Block devices include both IDE and SCSI based devices .

  7. SCSI子系统是这种块设备驱动器之一。

    The SCSI subsystem is one of these block device drivers .

  8. loop设备是一个设备驱动程序,利用它可以将文件作为一个块设备挂载到系统中,然后就可以查看这个文件系统中的内容了。

    The loop device is a device driver that allows you to mount a file as a block device and then interpret the file system it represents .

  9. 可以用dmcrypt对块设备或逻辑卷执行透明的加密。

    You can transparently encrypt a block device or a logical volume with dm_crypt .

  10. 当创建XFS文件系统时,底层块设备被分割成八个或更多个大小相等的线性区域(region)。

    When an XFS filesystem is created , the underlying block device is split into eight or more equally-sized linear regions .

  11. 我们的网络RAMDisk是在Linux操作系统下,作为一个块设备驱动程序来实现的,因此,不需要修改任何Linux系统的内核代码。

    Our Network Ram Disk has been implemented both on the Linux operating systems , as a block device driver without any modifications to the kernel code .

  12. 针对混合存储器,设计并实现了相应的PCIE接口驱动程序和Linux块设备驱动程序。

    I also design and implement the corresponding PCIE interface driver and the Linux block device driver .

  13. SBC定义命令集扩展,以方便操作SCSI直接访问块设备。

    SBC defines the command set extensions to facilitate operation of SCSI direct-access block devices .

  14. kps可以按要求为上述硫磺块设备提供设计详情。

    KPS can provide design details for such a sulfur block facility as required .

  15. CD-ROM驱动器是另一种块设备并为SCSI磁盘驱动器提供类似的函数集。

    The CD-ROM driver is another block device and provides a similar set of functions to the SCSI disk driver .

  16. 基于DCD的块设备快照系统

    DCD-Based Block Device Snapshot System

  17. 在ext3里,日志记录代码使用一个特殊的称为“日志记录块设备”层或JBD的API。

    In ext3 , the journaling code uses a special API called the Journaling Block Device layer , or JBD .

  18. 现在,我们在一个适合挂载的块设备中就有了这个initrd映像。

    At this point , you have the initrd image in a block device suitable for mounting .

  19. 本课题设计就是利用FTL层的方法为移动上网设备设计并实现了基于嵌入式Linux的NANDFlash存储系统,包括块设备层,FTL层,LLD层的设计与实现。

    In this paper , an embedded Linux NAND Flash storage system using FTL for mobile internet device is designed and implemented .

  20. 软件RAID的概念很简单&使您可以将两个或多个块设备(通常是磁盘分区)组合为单个RAID设备。

    The concept behind Software RAID is simple & it allows you to combine two or more block devices ( usually disk partitions ) into a single RAID device .

  21. 该新方法最重要的两个方面是:如何支持ISO映像以及如何为从ISO映像启动的实例组装块设备。

    The two most important aspects of our new method are how the ISO image is supported and how the block device is assembled for the instance launched from the ISO image .

  22. HMB生产模具的所有正常类型的块设备,并已经历多年生产持久模具。

    HMB production mold block all normal types of equipment , and has many years of durable production mold .

  23. Dom0向其他guestOS(有时被称作domainU或DomU)提供虚拟块设备和虚拟网络设备。

    Dom0 provides virtual block device and virtual network device to the other guest OS , which is sometime referred to as domain U ( or DomU ) .

  24. 另外,XFS允许将日志存储在另一个块设备上,例如,另一个磁盘上的一个分区。

    In addition , XFS allows the journal to be stored on another block device , such as a partition on another disk .

  25. 接着研究了Linux环境下的设备驱动程序,深入了解设备模型和设备驱动程序开发框架以及并发、内存、中断机制,从而熟悉字符设备、块设备、网络设备驱动开发的一般方法。

    Then research device driver under the Linux environment , acquaintance device model and the mechanism of concurrency , memory , interupt deeply . And then be familiar with driver development methods of char device , bulk device , net device .

  26. 您可以更改块设备组装流程,创建一个临时磁盘,其大小设置适当且一定会设置为从ISO映像启动的各个实例的根磁盘。

    You can change the block device assembly to make an ephemeral disk that 's set with proper size and is sure to be set as the root disk for instances launched from the ISO image .

  27. 它由一组驱动器组成,比如块设备(SCSI磁盘和SCSICD-ROM)和字符设备(SCSI磁带和SCSIgeneric)。

    It consists of a set of drivers such as the block devices ( SCSI disk and SCSI CD-ROM ) and the character devices ( SCSI tape and SCSI generic ) .

  28. 本文在简要介绍彩色液晶显示屏显示原理和SD卡原理的基础上,详细介绍了以液晶驱动和SD卡驱动实现的Linux两个具有代表性的字符设备和块设备驱动程序的编写。

    This thesis briefly introduces the principles of color LCD and SD card and particularly introduces the driver implementation of color LCD and SD card which are the representatives of char and block device driver in Linux operating system .

  29. 本文通过分析现有连续数据保护机制存在的问题,设计了一种新型的基于块设备的连接数据保护系统,并在Linux操作系统内核中成功实现了这一系统。

    This paper designs a new continue data protection system based on the block device on the analysis of existing mechanisms problems , and successfully implemented the system on the Linux kernel operating system , which effectively solute the overloaded data recording problem .

  30. 就像线性模式一样,您完全可以用RAID-0将来自各种驱动器(诸如IDE和SCSI驱动器)的块设备组合为单个卷。

    As with linear mode , you can combine block devices from various sources ( such as IDE and SCSI drives ) into a single volume with no problems .