
jiàn zhù zì dònɡ huà
  • building automation
  1. 浅析建筑自动化系统的综合管理平台

    Platform of General Management for Building Automation System of Intelligent Building

  2. 建筑自动化系统空调节能优化控制策略分析

    Analysis of strategies for HVAC energy-saving optimizing control in building automation systems

  3. 建筑自动化(ConstructionAutomation)可有效解决在建筑业中劳动力老龄化以及劳动力缺乏的问题。

    Construction automation can solve the problems of workforce aging and the labor shortage in the construction industry .

  4. 高层RC建筑自动化施工的并列运输系统

    Parallel Transport System of Automation Construction for RC Highrise Building

  5. 通过分析和工程实例,阐述高层RC建筑自动化施工的并列运输系统特点和应用,并与传统的塔机运输系统进行技术、经济比较

    Features and application of parallel transport system of automation construct for RC highrise building are described through analyzing existing engineering example . It is compared with traditional tower crane transport system for technology and economy

  6. 计算机技术、通信技术、电子技术的进步,带来了建筑自动化技术的迅速发展。

    As computer technology , communication technology and electronic technology have being developed rapidly , the building automation technology is progressing subsequently .

  7. 冷热源设备及水系统的节能控制是衡量建筑自动化系统成功与否的关键因素。

    The energy-saving control of the cold-heat sources equipments and water system is the key factor to rate the building automation system success for optimized control of building automation systems .

  8. 这种低速率无线通信技术的应用更贴近工业生产与人们的日常生活,可以很好的应用于家庭自动化、工业控制、建筑自动化、医疗护理等。

    The application of low rate communications technology draws close to industry manufacture and our daily life and can satisfy the demand in many fields such as home automation , industry control , building automation , medical nursing and so on .

  9. 基于CAN总线和USB接口的智能建筑设备自动化系统

    An intelligent building automation system which based on CAN bus and USB Interface

  10. 对建筑设备自动化系统(BAS:BuildingAutomationSystem)的客观描述和定量分析一直是智能建筑工程建设和教学中的难点和重点,建立计算机仿真系统是解决问题的有效方法之一。

    The describing of BAS ( Building Automation System ) of intelligence construction is a difficult problem , especially in teaching and engineering . Establishing a computer simulation system is a problem-solving valid method .

  11. 建筑企业自动化管理系统(AMS)可降低企业管理成本,提高工作质量与效率。

    Automatic management system ( AMS ) for construction corporation can reduce corporation management cost and improve working quality and efficiency .

  12. 对当前BA系统工程运行质量不高的情况进行了分析,并介绍作为对策而实行的建筑设备自动化系统的实训项目。

    This paper analyzed the conditions that the running quality of BAS was far from good , and introduced the experimental skill training of the building automation system , which was developed as a countermeasure to the problems mentioned above .

  13. 智能建筑设备自动化系统检测方法探讨

    Discussion on Testing Methods of Building Automation System for Intelligent Architecture

  14. 建筑设备自动化系统的工程设计和设备选型研究

    Study on Project Design and Device Choice of Building Automation System

  15. 建筑管理自动化系统集成技术的研究与应用

    Search and application of integrated technique of construction auto-management system

  16. 建筑设备自动化系统仿真与应用

    The automatic system that intelligence building really imitates and applies

  17. 建筑设备自动化系统技术的实验训练

    Experimental Skill Training of the Building Automation System

  18. 建筑机械自动化的现状及关键技术

    Key Technology and Prospect of Automatic Construction Machine

  19. 暖通空调系统的计算机控制管理&第4讲建筑设备自动化系统

    Computer aided monitoring and control system in HVAC ( Part 4 ): Building automation system

  20. 建筑设备自动化系统是智能建筑的一个关键组成部分。

    The building automation system ( BAS ) is a key part of the Intelligent building ( IB ) .

  21. 其软件系统的可靠性和功能的完整性直接决定了建筑设备自动化系统的性能。

    And the performance of building automation control system is directly depended on the reliability of software system and the integrality of function .

  22. 工作站是建筑设备自动化系统中的核心,负责系统设置,设备管理,实时监控等功能。

    As we know , workstation is the core of automatic system in facility , which function is focused on system setting , device managing and real-time monitoring .

  23. 这种经历大学时代就有了,那时我在建筑,自动化和机械实验室里,和来自中国,韩国,印度,赤道,约旦和埃及的同学一起做研究。

    Starting in college , at the Construction and Automation and Robotics Laboratory , I worked with individuals from China , Korea , India , Equator , Jordan , and Egypt .

  24. 文中介绍了智能建筑设备自动化系统的检测方法,并对检测中经常碰到的工程质量问题进行了分析。

    This paper introduced the test methods used to check the automation system of intelligent architecture and analyzed some problems in the engineering quality of the system which often come up in the test .

  25. 针对目前建筑设备自动化课程教学较为混乱的状况,从课程建设规划、理论体系、实验体系和课程设计体系等方面进行了较为深入的探讨,并确定了该课程建设的基本内容。

    Aiming at the status of teaching methodology of Building Automation and Control ( BAC ), discusses the curriculum development plan , theory system , experiment system and project design system of BAC . Determines the basic content of the curriculum construction .

  26. 接着分析了系统的功能需求和系统的特点,工作站是建筑设备自动化系统中的核心,负责系统设置,设备管理,实时监控等功能。

    The following part is the analysis of the functional request together with the property of the system . Work station is the kernel part of the Building Devices Automation System , and it is in charge of system setup , device management , real-time monitoring , etc.

  27. 关于设立《建筑工程及其自动化》专业的思考

    Consideration on setting up the specialty of Building Engineering & Automation

  28. 智能建筑的消防自动化系统探讨

    On the fire automatic system of the intelligent building

  29. 智能建筑变电站综合自动化的分析和实施

    Analysis and implementation of intelligent building substation automation

  30. 智能建筑楼宇设备自动化系统

    Building Automation System of Intelligent Building