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mào mèi
  • venture;take the liberty;make bold
冒昧 [mào mèi]
  • (1) [make bold]∶ [言行] 不顾地位、能力、场合是否适宜(多用做谦词)

  • 冒昧陈辞

  • (2) [venture]∶大胆地提供或提出 [意见或看法] (多用做谦词)

  • 不揣冒昧

冒昧[mào mèi]
  1. 我可以冒昧地向你借半克郎硬币吗?

    May I make bold to borrow a half-crown from you ?

  2. 我冒昧地求你一件事[给你提一个意见]。

    I make bold to ask you a favour [ give you a piece of advice ] .

  3. 对不起,我太冒昧了。

    I 'm sorry , I wasn 't thinking .

  4. 能冒昧问一下您所在的确切位置吗?

    Would it be impertinent to ask where exactly you were ?

  5. 部长,恕我冒昧,您还没有回答我的问题。

    With respect , Minister , you still haven 't answered my question

  6. 现在就判断结果将会怎样未免有些冒昧。

    It would be presumptuous to judge what the outcome will be .

  7. 我不喜欢冒昧提问的陌生人。

    I don 't like strangers who ask impertinent questions .

  8. 我不会冒昧地质疑你的判断。

    I wouldn 't presume to question your judgment .

  9. 恕我冒昧,你不太高兴,是吗?

    Forgive my asking , but you 're not very happy , are you ?

  10. (发表不同意见前的谦语)恕我冒昧,恕我直言

    You can say ' with due respect ' when you are about to disagree politely with someone .

  11. 恕我冒昧提出这些问题。

    Excuse me for my abrupt questions .

  12. 我冒昧地不同意。

    I venture to disagree .

  13. 希望你不介意我如此冒昧打岔。

    I hope you don 't mind me barging in like this .

  14. 冒昧地给你写信。

    I 'm taking the liberty of writing to you .

  15. 对不起,冒昧地问一下,您戴的是不是我的帽子?

    Pardon my asking , but isn 't that my hat you 're wearing ?

  16. 先生,冒昧请问您尊姓大名?

    May I make so bold ( as ) to ask you name , sir ?

  17. 我能否冒昧地问一下,是什么机构资助你丈夫的探险?

    And may I make so bold as to ask what institution sponsored your husband 's expedition ?

  18. 我知道我该怎样去做,我不会冒昧地去指挥一个行家的工作。

    I know my place and I wouldn 't presume to tell an expert how to do his job .

  19. 请原谅我很冒昧地写信给你。

    Please pardon my presumption in writing to you .

  20. MAYER小姐,恕我冒昧,我用枪已经用了很多年了。

    Miss Mayer , with all due respect , I 've been working around guns for years .

  21. 可看过了招股书、了解了这家社交网络公司的盈利能力和现金充裕程度之后,我能否冒昧地建议,它取消IPO呢?

    Having read the prospectus , with its details of how profitable and cash-rich the social networking enterprise is , may I suggest it calls the whole thing off ?

  22. 例如,我的一些facebook好友可能即便没有收到指示,也想跟我说“生日快乐”;其他人则觉得这是对我的生活与他们的生活极为冒昧的干扰。

    Some of my Facebook friends , for example , might have wished to say " Happy Birthday " even without being directed ; others felt it was an overly familiar intrusion into my life and theirs .

  23. 要知道,当时可没有Zagat或Yelp这类餐厅点评服务,所以母亲只能冒昧地向陌生人求助。

    With no Zagat or yelp on the scene back then , my mom resorted to cold calling .

  24. 听着,我不想冒昧,但我要在Boca开一家新的减肥中心,我想知道你是否愿意来演出。

    Listen , now , I don 't wanna be presumptuous but I 'm about to open a new weight-Not in Boca and I was wondering if maybe you 'd like to perform .

  25. 请恕我冒昧地问一下,你多大年龄?

    Pardon me for asking , but how old are you ?

  26. 很抱歉我没有事先打电话就来冒昧拜访了。

    I 'm sorry to drop in on you without calling .

  27. 我们冒昧邀请您参加我们的排练。

    We think you might like to participate in our rehearsal .

  28. 请容许我冒昧地指出你的计算错误。

    I beg to point out that your calculation is wrong .

  29. 她冒昧地以她女儿的名义给他写信。

    She presumed to write him in her daughter 's name .

  30. 答案是没错,你确实很冒昧。

    The answer is , yes ... You 're being presumptuous .