- miogeosyncline

The Carlin-type gold deposits are mostly found in the Cordillera orogen and Colorado platform , Great basin region of North America and Paleozoic-Mesozoic intra-block depressed zone at the southwest margin of the Yangtze block and miogeosyncline northwest of the Yangtze block .
It is explained that the Sinian-Silurian geotectonic attribution of the east part of South China is an orogenic belt made up of a continental marginal arc ( eugeosynclinal type formation ) and a retroarc basin ( miogeosynclinal formation ) .
The Luohe area is located in a miogeosynclinal sedimentary basin of the transition region from Luonan to Luanchuan where the facies should be the transitional sediments from the shallow-water facies of the carbonate platform to continental slope or to deep-water facies .