
táo sè
  • peach;illicit love;pink colour
桃色 [táo sè]
  • (1) [pink colour]∶粉红的颜色

  • (2) [illicit love]∶男女情爱,多指不正当的男女关系

桃色[táo sè]
  1. 她用一根桃色缎带把头发扎在脑后。

    She had tied back her hair with a peach satin ribbon .

  2. 有三种可供选择的颜色&桃色、芥末色、薄荷色。

    A choice of three colors ? peach , mustard or mint .

  3. 这里的报纸迎合了人们对桃色新闻的兴趣

    The newspaper here pandered to people 's interest in sex scandals .

  4. 没有什么能比邦德乐队的第三张CD《桃色机密》更能显示她们的天赋的了。

    Nothing shows off their talents more than Bond 's third CD , Classified .

  5. 2010年,惠普公司因前任CEO马克•赫德与公司一名承包商传出桃色丑闻,选择与其分道扬镳,此举遭到外界的广泛指责。

    HP was widely criticized over the 2010 departure of former CEO Mark Hurd amid a scandal involving a personal relationship with a company contractor .

  6. 6月份,MarkSanford神秘失踪,去阿根廷探望其情妇,随后承认持续一年的桃色事件。

    Sanford disappeared back in June to see his mistress in Argentina , later admitted to a yearlong affair .

  7. 在他的Tumblr账号他将这组照片命名为Gap模特项目,在这些照片中他试穿了各种最新潮的服饰,有桃色的连帽衫、格子花呢上衣以及深色牛仔裤。

    On his Tumblr account - The Gap Mannequin Project - he is seen trying out the latest fashions from peach-colored hoodies to plaid shirts and dark denims .

  8. 身着与女王出席奥运开幕式时同样的桃色连衣裙,GaryConnery从150米高空的直升机上跳了下来。

    Gary Connery leapt 150 metres from a helicopter wearing a peach-coloured dress identical to the one worn by the monarch when she attended the Olympic opening ceremony .

  9. 根据该菌株的形态特征、培养特征和生理特性,鉴定为桃色拟青霉B-3543菌株。

    From its morphological , cultural and physiological characteristics , the strain was determined to be Paecilomyces persicinus B-3543 .

  10. 据文章披露,致命的桃色关系,以及性骚扰指控,迫使纳努拉在七月份辞去了私募股权公司柯罗尼资本集团(ColonyCapital)与米拉麦克斯电影公司(Miramax,纳努拉担任该公司董事长)的职务。

    According to the LA Times story , the fateful entanglements , along with a sexual harassment charge , led nanula , 53 , to resign in July from private equity firm colony capital and the Miramax film company , where he was chairman .

  11. 人们对《桃色机密》专辑的热衷证明了一点:我们喜欢棒辣妹。

    The rave reception of Classified confirms it : we love Bond .

  12. 半重瓣桃色到象牙白色花,黄褐色的晕染。青铜绿色的叶,叶脉向上气状突起。标准型。

    Semidouble peach-ivory / tawny shading . Bronze-green , quilted . Standard .

  13. 欧洲的一种兰花,花穗状、绿色略带桃色或紫色。

    European orchid with spikes of green and pinkish or purplish flowers .

  14. 我时常爱看一些刊登桃色新闻的小报。

    I like to read a scandal sheet every now and then .

  15. 感谢收看“怎样保护自己的婚姻免于桃色事件”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching How To Affair-Proof Your Marriage .

  16. 她与经理的桃色事件已是满城风雨,人人皆知了。

    There have been too much publicity about her affair with the manager .

  17. 我的婚姻怎样才能避免桃色事件呢?

    How can I " affair-proof " my marriage ?

  18. 桃色新闻那个撰文者把桃色丑闻泄露给新闻界。

    That hatchet man released rumor of a sex scandal to the press .

  19. 必然的结局是许多昙花一现、不能公开的桃色事件。

    The necessary consequence is a great number of transient and clandestine connections .

  20. 报道工党年会新闻.关于政客桃色新闻的耸人听闻的报道

    Cover the Labour Party 's annual conference lurid stories of politicians ' sexual adventures

  21. 在另一张照片里,埃莉娅身穿桃色美利奴羊毛连体衣,头戴白色羽毛酋长头饰。

    In another , Aleia wears peach merino overalls and a white-feathered chieftain headdress .

  22. 由发酵前去除外皮的红葡萄制成的微带桃色的进餐酒。

    Pinkish table wine from red grapes whose skins were removed after fermentation began .

  23. 卵形的黄色水果,很香的桃色果肉;与奶油冻苹果相近。

    Ovoid yellow fruit with very fragrant peach-colored flesh ; related to custard apples .

  24. 澳大利亚西部和南部的小灌木,有略带桃色到玫瑰紫色的管状的花。

    Small shrub of southern and western Australia having pinkish to rosy purple tubular flowers .

  25. 关于政客桃色新闻的耸人听闻的报道

    Lurid stories of politicians ' sexual adventures

  26. 无情地制造更多桃色新闻来平息关于你和你的恋情的任何流言。

    Quell any gossip surrounding you and your amour by ruthlessly starting more salacious rumours .

  27. 伴娘穿桃色缎子衣服。

    The bridesmaids were in peach-eoloured satin .

  28. 让婚姻避免桃色事件的方法就是让自己的婚姻更加稳固。

    The way to " affair-proof " your marriage is to make your marriage strong .

  29. 一种略带桃色的淡紫色锂辉石,呈晶体形式,用作宝石。

    A pinkish lilac crystal form of the mineral spodumene that is used as a gemstone .

  30. 她是女星,演过《桃色机密》、《桃色交易》与《第六感生死恋》。

    Monica : She 's the actress who was in Disclosure , Indecent Proposal , Ghost .