
  • 网络A Madman's Diary;A MADMAN’S DIARY;diary of a madman
  1. 《狂人日记》多重意蕴阐释

    A Explain on the Multiple Meanings of The Diary of A madman

  2. 《狂人日记》与《沉沦》是新文学史上并峙的双峰。

    Diary of A Madman and Get Degraded are two peaks in the history of new literature .

  3. 浅析《狂人日记》的思想性和艺术性

    An Analysis of the Ideological Content and Artistic Quality of Diaries of a Madman

  4. 《狂人日记》解读

    On the Interpretation of A Madman 's Diary

  5. 人说《夜宴》好风光由《夜宴》《狂人日记》到对“第五代”作曲家的反思

    The Night Banquet , the Madman 's Diary and the " Fifth-Generation " Composers

  6. 《狂人日记》中狂人形象的再探讨

    A restudy of the figure of the Madman in the Diary by the Madman

  7. 在《狂人日记》中,鲁迅思想的深刻性,是借助于独特的艺术技巧得以实现的。

    The depth of thought in A Madmans Diary is realized through unique artistic techniques .

  8. 新时期以来的《狂人日记》研究述评

    Overview of Researches on " The Diary of the Insane " since the New Period

  9. 随着商品经济变化,夫权主义也有了新的变化,出现了医学上、临床上的表现&狂人日记式的表现形式。

    It has made its appearance in medical and clinical fields with the development of economy .

  10. 难以实现的宏愿&《狂人日记》的启蒙效果

    The ambition hard to be realized

  11. 现代文学中的自我罪感&重读《狂人日记》受感化的罪人向上帝忏悔。

    Sense of Self-guilt in Modern Literature & reread Diary of Manial ; Reformed sinners testify .

  12. 鲁迅的《狂人日记》与中国家族制度刍议

    A Study of Lu Xun 's A Madman 's Diary and China 's Style of Family

  13. 表现的深切和格式的特别&《狂人日记》新论

    Depth of Expression and Uniqueness of Technique : A New Perspective on A Madman 's Diary Special

  14. 鲁迅文学与古典传统&以《狂人日记》为例

    Lu Xun Literary Creation and the Classical Tradition : With A Madman 's Diary as an Example

  15. 五十年来关于《狂人日记》创作方法的论争

    Some disputes on the artistic method of The Diary of the Madman in the past fifty years

  16. 《我是猫》与《狂人日记》表现手法之比较

    A Comparison of Writing Technique between " I Am A Cat " and " Madman 's Diary "

  17. 《狂人日记》既是中国现代小说的开山之作,又是中国现代心理小说的发端,与当时世界文坛最前卫的小说具有同步性。

    Maniac Diary is an earliest works of Chinese modern novels and a start of Chinese modern psychological novels .

  18. 鲁迅《狂人日记》提出了封建文化“吃人”的思想命题。

    Lu Xun 's Diary of A Madman raises an ideological topic of " eating man " of feudal culture .

  19. 鲁迅的《狂人日记》是现代中国文学的第一部短篇小说。

    A madman 's diary , written by Lu xun , was the first short story in moden Chinese literature .

  20. 试论《狂人日记》与中庸之道的界分与关联

    On the Dividing Line and Conjunction between " A Madman 's Diary " and " the Doctrine of the Mean "

  21. 疯人与文化叛逆者的寓言&兼论鲁迅《狂人日记》的艺术方法及其渊源

    Parables of Madmen and Cultural Rebels ── Also on the Artistic Techniques and Sources of Lu Xun 's A Madman 's Diary

  22. 作家鲁迅先生发表了著名的第一篇白话文小说《狂人日记》。

    Also the writer Lu Xun published the first , and justifiably famous , story in modern Chinese , Diary of a Madman .

  23. 鲁迅的小说《长明灯》,是继《狂人日记》之后的又一篇揭露封建思想道德吃人本质的篇章。

    Lu Xun 's fiction No-out-light , besides The Madman 's Diary , is another work revealing the man-devouring nature of the feudal ethics .

  24. 第二层次,对《狂人日记》是如何展示家族内部等级森严的结构关系加以说明;

    In the second arrangement , how the strict structure of patriarchy was reflected in " Crazy Man 's Diary " will be explained .

  25. 是人吃人还是礼教吃人?&论鲁迅《狂人日记》的主题

    Is it Man that Eats Man or Feudal Ethical Code that Eats Man ? & On the Subject of Luxun 's Madman 's Diary

  26. 《狂人日记》的意义在于它第一次从历史和现实两个方面标示了这种困境。

    The main contribution of Lu Xun 's novel " a Madman 's Diary " indicates in its first elaborating dilemma on historical and realistic aspects .

  27. 白话短篇小说《狂人日记》是中国现代文学史上第一篇用现代体式创作的小说,标志着中国现代小说的伟大开端。

    Diary of a Madman was the first novel written in the modern form in Chinese literature , symbolizing the great outset of modern Chinese fiction .

  28. 《狂人日记》中家族内部的反叛力量与家族是紧密相连的关系,在联系中显示了反叛者反封建的复杂性。

    But in A madman 's diary , the resisting strength was bound up with its family , and it showed that the mutineer 's anti-feudalism was complicated .

  29. 其发表于1918年的第一篇白话文短篇小说《狂人日记》为超现实主义风格,将中国文化描绘为“吃人”的文化。

    In 1918 , his surreal first short story in vernacular Chinese , ' Diary of a Madman , ' portrayed Chinese culture as cannibalistically eating its young .

  30. 这种表现形式既意味着《狂人日记》的多重意义的空间,也隐含了鲁迅复杂的思想文化性格组合。

    This form of expression means the multiple space of meaning in The Madman 's Diary , and also embodies the combination of Lu Xun 's complex cultural characters .