
  1. 着重简述了一下已有的两个微课程设计模式。

    Then focusing on the outlines of the existing two designed model of micro-lectures .

  2. 通过对黄冈微课程的建设过程进行详细描述,总结出该项目带给微课建设者的一些启示。

    Summarizing the Enlightenment of this project which can be brought to the micro-lectures constructor .

  3. 希望越来越多的一线教育工作者能参与到微课程的开发过程中来。

    Hope the increasingly accomplisher ' sfront-line educators can participate in the development process of the micro-course .

  4. 第一个是采用校企合作模式开发的黄冈微课程资源建设项目。

    The first case is the development of the cooperation mode of ' Huanggang micro-lecture ' resources construction project .

  5. 第二个案例是针对一门课程进行微课程设计,该设计成果通过云平台进行实施。

    The second case shows the procedure of micro-lectures design for a course , the results are implemented by the cloud platform .

  6. 笔者利用调查问卷,首先测试了学生对微课程的认知、态度,学生碎片化时间利用状态等背景信息。

    The author uses the questionnaire , tests the students ' cognition and attitude about micro-lectures , the fragmented time using statement .

  7. 通过本论文的分析与论述,为教育信息化环境下的高中美术课堂的改革提供了一个方向;为在课堂中开展微课程或翻转课堂教学的教育工作者提供了一个参考和思路。

    Through analysis and discussion of this paper , for the reform of high school art class educational information environment provides a new direction ; to carry out micro-courses or flipped classroom educators in the classroom provides a reference and ideas .

  8. 并通过基于微课程支撑下翻转课堂的实施,以提高高中美术课堂的教学效率,为学生提供一个快乐的课堂,让学生在轻松的氛围中学习,从而获得更多的知识和更大的发展。

    And micro-based support programs implemented under the flipped classroom to improve teaching efficiency and high school art class , to provide students with a happy classroom , allowing students to learn in a relaxed atmosphere , to obtain more knowledge and greater development .

  9. 在中等卫校微检课程的教学实践过程中,通过创新教学内容,即分析教材的知识结构、教材的逻辑体系、重点和难点以及教材的理论与实际应用的关系等;

    In the teaching practice of the course MTT in SSTS , the author is trying to innovate the teaching materials analyzing the structures of contents , the logical systems of the textbooks , the focuses and difficulties , and the relationship between the theory and the practice of textbooks .

  10. 在《微计算机技术》课程教学中,基于TC动机模式,对适合现代远程开放教育“以学生为中心”的教学模式进行了探索。

    The paper , based on TC motive mode and with focus on the course of " Microcomputer Technology ", tries to make an exploration and practice of the " learner-centered " teaching mode in order to be suitable for the modern distance and open education .

  11. 其中开发环节分为分析知识单元、建立序列结构、设计教学内容、设计教学交互、微视频开发制作、微课程实施设计、反馈与优化。

    The development is divided into the analyzing knowledge unit , establishing the sequence structure , designing course content , designing interactive teaching , developing micro-video , implementation design of micro-lectures , feedback and optimization .

  12. 该部分对国家数字化学习工程技术中心开发的云平台进行介绍、对云平台环境下微课设计开发的步骤,和微课程设计开发中所需的脚本文档,进行详细描述和解释。

    This part will detail the cloud platform which is developed by National Engineering Research Centre for E-learning , describe and explain the development of micro-lectures in cloud platform surrounding .