
wēi xiào fú wù
  • Smile service;service with a smile;smiling for service
  1. “微笑服务”是那家商店的口号。

    “ Service with a smile ” is the store 's slogan .

  2. 在酒店、餐馆、娱乐、导游和长途旅行等服务行业,现在正通过用古老的咬筷子法来练习微笑服务。

    In the service industry especially - hotels , restaurants , catering , guided tours and coach travel - practising ' service with a smile ' is being backed up with compulsory sessions of learning the ancient art of chopstick biting .

  3. 浅析微笑服务在高校图书馆中的应用

    Analysis on the Application of Smiling Service in University Library

  4. 浅论餐饮业中的微笑服务

    An Elementary Talk of the Smiling Service in Food and Beverage Trades

  5. 经常检查护士的仪表,倡导微笑服务;

    The appearance of nurses should be check regularly .

  6. 为了证明,她还模仿了一个微笑服务的女售货员的腔调。

    To prove it , she mimicked the tone of a saccharine saleslady .

  7. 公关教学中如何辩证分析微笑服务

    An Dialectical Analysis on the Smiling Service in the Teaching of Public Relationship

  8. 文明经商需要微笑服务。

    To do Business with civility needs smiling service .

  9. 其他的航空公司当然是可以模仿西南航空公司最初为乘客们提供微笑服务和免费花生的举措。

    Other airlines could imitate Southwest 's original approach to smiles and peanuts .

  10. 现代化图书馆微笑服务理念的确立

    Establishing the Conception of Library 's Smiling Service

  11. 创新管理方法,提高管理水平,实行微笑服务;

    The second is to innovate management approaches , upgrade management and provide satisfactory service ;

  12. 为消费者提供微笑服务,是赢得消费者信任的第一步。

    To offer smiling service for customers is a first step towards winning their trust .

  13. 争取工作流程透明、鼓励微笑服务。

    Processes for transparency , encouraging smile .

  14. 要求员工微笑服务可能适得其反,因为美国研究者称强颜欢笑会进一步破坏员工心情,从而影响工作。

    Requiring employees to smile at customers may backfire because US researchers say fake smiling worsens mood and affects productivity .

  15. 在工作中,我了解到在长时间超负荷的工作状态下如何保持微笑服务的方式。

    At work , I heard that a long time in the overload of work on how to maintain a state of smiling service .

  16. 心理服务的内容包括微笑服务、礼仪服务、善解人意的服务、针对性服务及承认顾客总是对的等。

    Psychological service includes smiling service , ceremony service , understanding the customers , countering service and the belief that the customers are never mistaken .

  17. 为了更好地做好图书馆服务工作,提出以微笑服务、主动服务、创新服务、重教轻罚等阅览服务方式,以达到人性化服务的目的。

    In order to do well the service of the library , this paper puts forward some service modes such as the smiling service , active service , innovative service and laying stress on the education and making light of the punishment for providing the humanist service .

  18. 王博说,我赢得了他们的信赖,带给他们天使般的微笑和服务。

    I earn their trust and give them the smile and service of an angel , ' he says .

  19. 王先生希望继续当服务员,我们还有机会享受他独具魅力的微笑与服务。

    Wang Fuchang hopes to continue serving until he passes away , so we may yet long enjoy his charming smile and service .

  20. 她总是微笑面对服务生和出租车司机,一头刘海剪得非常齐整,看上去像法国人。

    she always has a smile for waiters and cabdrivers , and her bangs are so well cut that they make her seem French .

  21. 戈尔微笑着对服务生说:谢谢。

    Gore smiles at the waiter : Thank you .

  22. “面带微笑的友善服务”是我们生活方式,不是某年的推广活动。

    " Friendly service with a smile " is our way of life , not a campaign during the year .

  23. 要想抢个座位是很困难的,要想抢个座位是很困难的,因为通常西南航空是不提供特定的座位预定服务的,但至少乘务员们都是面带微笑为您服务。

    The scramble for seats is arduous - Southwest typically does not let you reserve a specific one - but at least the stewards smile .

  24. 越南河粉店是这一地区的特色,小店里桌子和桌子之间挨得很紧,墙边摆着鱼缸,柜台后面站着微笑的女服务生。

    Pho is typical of the area , with its tables close together , tanks of fish along the walls and smiling waitresses behind the bar .

  25. 北京一些公厕利用该技术限制如厕者取用免费手纸,而杭州一家肯德基餐厅则推出了“微笑支付”服务。

    Some public restrooms in Beijing use facial recognition to limit the amount of toilet paper dispensed to each person , while a KFC outlet in Hangzhou has rolled out a " Smile to Pay " system .