
kāi fànɡ tiān kōnɡ
  • open sky
  1. 不过,美国与欧盟(eu)最近签署的“开放天空”协议,预计将为欧洲航空业亟需进行的重组行动提供支持。

    The recently approved US / European Union " open skies " deal was , however , expected to provide support for a much-needed restructuring of the European airline industry .

  2. 美欧之间达成开放天空(OpenSkies)航空协议的希望昨日严重受挫,因为美国放弃了允许海外投资者在美国国内航空公司拥有更多话语权的计划。

    Hopes for an open skies aviation pact between the US and Europe suffered a severe setback yesterday when the US abandoned plans to allow overseas investors more say in its domestic airlines .

  3. 在航空运输业全球一体化和自由化的浪潮下,随着我国加入WTO后面对开放天空的要求,机场业面临的竞争越来越激烈,压力越来越大。

    With the wave of globalization and liberalism in the air-transport industry and the necessity of ' open-sky ' after China 's entry to WTO , the competition in the airport industry has become fiercer and fiercer under higher pressure of survival .

  4. 美国交通部部长玛丽彼得斯(marypeters)承认,放弃航空公司所有权改革,可能影响先前与欧盟(eu)达成的初步协议,但她同时重申,美国仍致力于达成一项开放天空协议。

    Mary Peters , the Transportation Secretary , acknowledged that dropping the ownership changes could affect the preliminary deal agreed with the European Union but she also reaffirmed US commitment to securing an open - skies deal .

  5. 多边《开放天空条约》于2002年开始生效。

    The multilateral Treaty on Open Skies became effective in 2002 .

  6. 现在它死了切尔诺贝利下遗弃开放天空。

    Now it dies out under the open skies of deserted Chernobyl .

  7. 美国表示已正式退出《开放天空条约》。

    The United States says it has officially the Open Skies Treaty .

  8. 俄罗斯否认了公然藐视《开放天空条约》的指控。

    Moscow has denied the allegations of flouting the Open Skies Treaty .

  9. 开放天空的全球实践和经验&访法莉芭·阿兰德丽教授

    Lobal Practice and Experience in Opening Sky

  10. 俄罗斯联邦委员会通过退出军控协议《开放天空条约》的法案。

    The Russian Federation Council has passed a bill to the arms-control Treaty on Open Skies .

  11. 匈牙利政府和罗马尼亚政府关于建立开放天空制度的协定;

    Agreement between the government of Hungary and the government of Romania on the establishment of an open skies regime ;

  12. 中国同意达成一项自2011年起实行的货运开放天空协议,但只会从2011年3月25日才开始讨论一项类似的客运服务协议。

    China agreed to an open skies deal for cargo from 2011 , but would discuss a similar deal for passenger services only from March 25 2011 .

  13. 国际上随着各国政府的放松管制、开放天空的政策的实施,也使进入航空业的障碍减弱。

    The as each country government relaxation on international is control , open of celestial policy carry out , also the obstacle of intromit aviation industry is abate .

  14. 面对日益激烈的军备竞赛,第一届艾森豪威尔政府对军备控制政策进行了探索,内容包括和平利用原子能、禁止核试验、开放天空等方面。

    Under the more and more complicated situation , the first Eisenhower Administration explored the arms control policies involving the Atom for Peace , Nuclear Test Ban Debate and Open Skies .

  15. 俄罗斯外交部于1月15日宣布,该国已启动退出《开放天空条约》的国内程序,此前美国也退出了这一条约。

    The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Jan. 15 that the country had started domestic procedures for the pullout from the Treaty on Open Skies , following the same step by Washington .

  16. 2002年生效的多边《开放天空条约》允许其缔约国在对方领土上进行非武装侦察飞行,以收集有关军事力量和活动的数据。

    The multilateral Treaty on Open Skies , which in 2002 , allows its states-parties to conduct unarmed reconnaissance flights over the others ' territories to collect data on military forces and activities .

  17. 欧盟谈判人员已明确表示,美国修改投资规则,对于欧盟方面批准开放天空初步协议至关重要。根据这份初步协议,欧美将放开市场准入,并将促进在安全、保安和竞争政策等领域的合作。

    EU negotiators had made it clear that a revision of the investment rules was essential for their approval of the preliminary open skies pact , which would have opened market access and prompted co-operation in areas such as safety , security and competition policy .

  18. 突然,开放的天空和安静的快乐从“啊-啊&”的声音。

    Suddenly , the open sky and quiet joy from the " ah-ah - " sound .

  19. 在中国广阔但未开放的天空中,你难得听到小型飞机的嗡嗡声。纯为乐趣而飞行就更是新鲜事。

    The buzzing of small airplanes is very rarely heard in China 's vast yet closed skies , and flying for the sheer joy of it is still a novelty .

  20. 不过值得庆幸的是,目前绝对没有确定这个计划,使人们再次付出巨额的金币才能再次在诺森德飞行器,开放诺森德的天空航班将不会让您在资金上捉襟见肘。

    Well there 's definitely no current plan to make people pay huge amounts to fly again in Northrend ; opening the skies of Northrend to flight won 't be the next big money sink .