
  • 网络Li Xingjian
  1. 该字典的主编李行健说,一个约由30位语言专家组成的团队在国家语言文字工作委员会的帮助下,用三年多时间挑选了这些新词。

    Li Xingjian , the chief editor of the dictionary , said a team of about 30 language experts worked for more than three years with help from the state-backed National Languages Committee to select the new terms .

  2. 李行健说,《现代汉语规范词典》每五年修订一次,剔除过时词汇,给新词腾出空间。

    Every five years , the Dictionary of Modern Standard Chinese is revised , with outdated words dropped to make room for new ones , said Mr. Li .