
pín lǜ biǎo
  • Frequency table;frequency list
  1. 应用联合频率表对传统BIN法的改进

    Improvement of BIN method by applying a joint frequency table

  2. 本文以联合频率表法为负荷计算模型,采用南京地区典型年气象资料构筑二维BIN分布,以此编制了负荷计算程序。

    This thesis uses joint-frequency bins as load calculation model , adopts typical meteorological year datas of Nanjing district to construct two-dimension bin distribution , and compiles load calculation procedure .

  3. 分别应用临床疗效评定标准、Yale-Brown强迫症量表(Y-BOCS)和Hamilton抑郁量表(HAMD)、自编不良反应出现频率表,分别评定疗效及不良反应。

    The efficacy was measured with the criteria of clinical effect , the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale ( Y-BOCS ) and Hamilton Depression Scale ( HAMD ) .

  4. 本文介绍了CS5460A芯片的特点、工作原理及其在高精度工频电压、电流、功率、功率因数、频率表中的应用。

    The paper introduces the technique feature and the operation principle of chip CS5460A , and its application in high-accuracy power frequency voltage , current , power , power factor , frequency meter .

  5. 作者还从英国国家语料库(BNC)中下载了动词的使用频率表以此确保这些选用的词语都是在真实语料中的高频率词汇。作者在整个BNC语料库中对每个目标词都进行了查询。

    The frequency of the target verbs were also checked by a verb list downloaded from the British National Corpus to guarantee that the chosen verbs have high frequency in real language use . Initially , every target verb was searched in the whole BNC .

  6. 工频频率表测量不确定度分析与校准测量能力评定

    Power Frequency Table Uncertainty Measurement Analysis and Calibration Measurement Capability Evaluation

  7. 压缩资料的一种有效方法是编制频率表或频率分布。

    One way we can compress data is to use a frequency table or a frequency distribution .

  8. 简要介绍了最佳无三阶互调频率表,以及该频率表在专用无线通信中的应用。

    It briefly introduces optimal frequency table without third order inter-modulation and its application to wireless communications .

  9. 半月降雨侵蚀力占年侵蚀力的累积频率表,为估算土壤侵蚀方程中土壤可蚀性因子和植被覆盖&管理因子提供了基础。

    The percentage table of rainfall erosivity for a half month period was used to calculate soil erodibility and vegetation coverage factors .

  10. 该算法改进了簇的压缩存储结构,引进了符号表和频率表存储数据。

    The compressed storage structures of the clusters are redefined in the paper . The symbol matrix and frequency matrix are used to store data .

  11. 根据实验提供的音乐频率表和时间表,编写程序控制8254,使其输出连接到扬声器上能发出相应的乐曲。

    Music provided by the experimental frequency table and schedules , programming control of8254 , its output is connected to the speakers can be issued the appropriate music .

  12. 字种确定后,应将教材汉字与《汉字频率表》、《汉字等级大纲》等研究成果相对照,查漏补缺,从而保证教材对常用汉字的高覆盖率。

    And then the characters decided should be compared with the results such as the Frequency of Characters and the General Outline of Chinese Level Vocabulary and Chinese Word 's Rank , so as to ensure the high coverage of characters .

  13. 结果肌无力大鼠nAChR单通道开放频率、表观平均开放时间、平均开放时间和电导均显著低于对照组和肌力正常的染毒大鼠,且肌力恢复后,以上各参数均接近对照组。

    RESULTS The nAChR channels of myasthenic rats decreased significantly in open frequency , apparent mean open time , mean open time , and conductance in comparison with those of control and non myasthenic rats , and became similar to those of control individuals after complete recovery from muscle weakness .

  14. 高频率电压表频响误差检定

    The standard of detecting the error of the high frequency voltage meter frequency response

  15. 显示查询频率的表,按频率由高到低排序。

    A table showing the frequency of queries , ordered from the most to the least frequent .

  16. 这两大类各小类在使用频率、表义特点、语用范围、附有色彩等方面呈现出各自的特色。

    The small kinds of two sentence patterns show their own characteristics in utilization frequency , meaning in sentenc form , pragmatic limits and the colors of language .

  17. 根据一维趋肤效应方程,计算管材壁厚并列出激励频率选用表、不同探伤速度的激励频率选用表、同孔同深度和同孔不同深度的激励频率选用表。

    According to 1-D skin effect equation , thickness of tubing wall was calculated and selection tables for pumping frequency , different detection speed , same hole and same depth , same hole and different depth were listed .

  18. 按照频率交织规则表,找到该DQPSK码元对应的那个载波;

    Finding out the carrier corresponding the DQPSK symbols according to the frequency interleaving table ;

  19. 通过探索性统计分析,给出了调查报告中各定性变量和出版社间的二向频率列联表。

    By exploratory statistic analysis , the paper gave bivariate frequency contingency tables between every qualitative variable and every publishing company .

  20. 根据表面质点响应中瑞利波和反射体波能量分配分析表观相速度扰动机制,讨论振源、测点、洞穴三者相对位置及频率对表面波表观相速度影响。

    Mechanism of disturbance of apparent phase velocity is analyzed from distribution of energies of Rayleigh waves and the reflected body waves in the responses . Influences of frequency and relative distances among the source , receivers and cavity on apparent phase velocity of surface waves are discussed .

  21. 脉冲持液与脉冲间持液之比近于1.5。发现脉冲频率完全受表观液速与临界液速的差值所控制。

    The ratio between the liquid holdup in pulses and the liquid holdup outside the pulses is found to be nearly constant at a value of 1.5.It was found that the pulse frequency is completely governed by the liquid flow in excess of a cri - tical liquid flow .

  22. 并介绍一种高精度、宽频率范围的相位表的关键设计。

    And introduce a key design of high precision and width frequency area of phase meter .

  23. 随着氧浓度增加,污泥两阶段反应活化能和频率因子及平均表观活化能均呈上升趋势。

    Activation energy , frequency factor and average activation energy of sludge in two combustion stages increased when oxygen concentration increased .

  24. 方法采用对比敏感度函数中6种空间频率和对比视力表中4种对比度的视标对有关人员进行测试。

    Methods measurements of contrast sensitivity at 6 spatial frequencies and visual acuity at 4 contrast levels were made in 39 asthenopes .

  25. 许多系统功过在高频上,导体在这些频率上不再仅仅表芯为导线,而是展现出高频效应并表现为传输线。

    Many systems operate at high frequencies at which conductors no longer behave as simple wires , but instead exhibit high-frequency effects and behave as transmission lines .

  26. 同时针对实际情况研究了基于乘客需求条件下单条公交线路的发车频率和公交时刻表的确定问题。

    Furthermore , aiming at the actual circumstance , these problems such as the match of transit line and vehicle frequency and the schedule according to the passenger requires are studied .

  27. 实验数据表明,采用免疫算法确定的频率过渡带样本值是最优的,设计的FIR滤波器的频率特性优于查表法。

    Experimental data have shown that the value of transition band sample obtained by IA can be ensured to be optimal and the frequency characteristic of the filter is improved .