
  1. 利用目标信息主要集中在低频部分的特点,对信号进行小波分解,提取在不同频带信号的多尺度空间能量和不变矩作为特征量,再用BP神经网络进行识别。

    The infrared image by wavelet transform as target information concentrating on the low frequency part mainly is decomposed , then the energy and moments as the features to be recognized by BP neural network is extracted .

  2. 射频前端芯片可切换接收三种模式,且任一模式下都可同时接收两个频带信号,具体包括GPSL5/L1、GLONASSL2/L1和GALILEOE5a/E2-L1-E1。

    The RF front-end can be switched to receive three modes and receive signals of the two bands at the same time in any mode , including GPS L5 / L1 , GLONASS L2 / L1 and Galileo E5a / E2-L1-E1 .

  3. 频带信号光检测器和接收机的设计

    A Design of Photodetector and Receiver for Receiving Modulated Subcarrier Signal in Optical Communication

  4. 超宽频带信号发生器

    Ultra wide band signal generator

  5. 其次,分析射频识别系统基带信号与频带信号的特性,以及信道噪声与干扰的特点,指明信号的潜在影响因素。

    Secondly , the characteristic of baseband signal and frequency band signal in RFID system are analyzed .

  6. 再利用小波包变换,对信号进行4层小波包分解,得到16个频带信号,提取这16个信号的小波包能量和信息熵特征,作为流型的两个小波包特征向量。

    Another two feature vectors can be obtained by extracting wavelet packet energy and information entropy feature of 16 frequency bands signals , which are obtained by utilizing wavelet packet decomposition .

  7. 本文利用小波分析方法,对超声接收信号进行小波包分解,分别提取各个频率成分的信号特征,并对小波包分解系数重构,求出各频带信号的总能量。

    The paper gives description of wavelet packets analysis of received waves , by finding the character of different frequency part and reconstructing the decomposing coefficient to get the overall energy of signal .

  8. 频带有限信号非一致采样重建的谱方法

    On the band-divided approach of reconstruction for bandlimited signals from their nonuniform samples

  9. 从而可以在一个低的频率处理多频带模拟信号。

    Thus , multiband analog signal can be processed at a low frequency .

  10. 频带有限信号的局部重构

    Locally Reconstruction of Bandlimited Signals

  11. 仿真表明,基于此系统可以实现对含有噪声的多频带宽带信号的重建。

    Simulation results demonstrate that reconstruction of multiband analog signal with noises can be realized by this system .

  12. 多雷达信号融合通过对多视角和多频带雷达信号进行相干融合,可以提高图像的距离和方位向分辨率。

    Using multi-radar signal fusion to fuse multi-angle and multi-band signals can improve the range and cross-range resolution of images .

  13. 而小波变换由于具备多尺度、多分辨率的特点,能够把不同频带的信号分解到不同尺度上。

    For wavelet transform , signals of different bands can be decomposed into diverse scales due to the characteristics of multi-scale and multi-resolution ratio .

  14. 能将图像信息分解成独立的不同频带的信号,有利于采用不同的编码方法分别处理,从而获得高压缩比。

    At the same time , it can decompose the image into different independent channels administering to be encoded by different methods to get high compression ratio .

  15. 方法利用小波变换多尺度多分辨的特点,将心电信号进行多尺度分解,把不同频带的信号显现在小波分解各个尺度上。

    Methods The ECG signal is decomposed in multi scales using the multi resolving power of the wavelets transform . The signals with different frequencies were showed in different scales .

  16. 以局部速度信号随时间的变化历程为对象,以能量比例阈值划分出特定频带的信号成分。

    Taking local speed variation along time as research subject , we filtered out a particular frequency band , the character frequency band , with a entire flow field energy ratio .

  17. 小波包变换在信号的时频域处理上具有优越的性能,因此根据声信号小波包分解后在不同频带上信号能量特征不同的特点,本文提取出了有效的飞机声信号的特征向量。

    Wavelet packet transform proposes a better performance at time-frequency analysis performance of the signals . After wavelet packet decomposition different frequency bands of acoustic signals has the different energy characteristics of signals .

  18. 幅相补偿是多频带雷达信号融合一维距离成像中的关键问题,其补偿的精度直接影响了信号融合的最终效果。

    Amplitude-phase compensation parameters estimation is an important problem in high range resolution profile formation of multi-band radar signal fusion . Compensation precision directly makes a great impact on the effect of signal fusion .

  19. 基于小波提取的超宽频带局部放电信号分形分析

    Study on the Fractal Characteristics of Ultra-Wideband Partial Discharge Signals Based on Wavelet Analysis

  20. 通过比较这两个频带内暂态信号的谱能量来实现区内外故障的准确识别。

    Thus , a fault can be identified as internal or external one according to the spectrum energies in the foregoing two frequency band .

  21. 考虑各频带内分解信号的特点,利用重分配小波尺度图对裂纹转子系统在1/2,1,2倍临界转速下稳态信号进行分析。

    Considering the decomposed signals in different decomposing levels , the stable vibration signals of cracked rotor system were analyzed by the reassigned wavelet scalogram .

  22. 介绍了高压输电线路及母线对高频暂态电流衰减的特点,通过利用多个频带内暂态信号的谱能量来实现区内外故障的准确识别。

    According to characteristics of EHV transmission line fault transient current , a fault can be identified as internal or external one based on the spectrum energies in many frequency bands .

  23. 对故障电流信号噪声的频谱特征进行仿真研究表明,窄频带的高频信号不易很好地表述故障高频暂态分量的特征。

    The simulative study of the frequency domain character of power system fault current signal shows that the high-frequency signal with narrow frequency band can not better present the character of fault high-frequency transient component .

  24. 给出了各频带内分解信号的特点及频带能量比例,其中第3频带是该转子系统在9600r/min时产生油膜振荡的特征频带。

    The decomposed signals in different decomposing levels together with their frequency-band energy ratios were discussed in details , where the third frequency-band is its characteristic band for the oil-film oscillation of the rotor system in 9600r / min.

  25. 在匹配滤波器理论基础上,使用在宽脉冲内附加线性调频的方法可以扩展信号的频带,使信号的时宽带宽积大于一。

    Based on the theory of the matched filter , the bandwidth-duration product of the signal can be made greater than one , by the way of using the pulse width to add to the method of LFM signal band .

  26. 然后利用小波包分析可以在全频带内把信号分解到相邻的不同频带上的特性,对滚动轴承的振动信号进行小波包分解,自动提取共振频带上的信号并进行重构。

    Secondly , through wavelet packet analysis , the bearing vibration signals are decomposed into a series of time-domain signals , each of which covers a specific octave frequency band . The signals covering the high-frequency resonance frequency-band are automatically extracted and reconstructed .

  27. 在DS/CDMA通信系统中,共用一个频带的多用户信号会产生多址干扰(MAI)。

    In DS / CDMA communication system , users share time and frequency resourses , it will cause Multiple Access Interference ( MAI ) .

  28. 作为大时间-频带积的扩频信号,LFM信号广泛应用于各种信息系统,如通信、雷达、声纳和地震勘探等领域。

    As a spreading frequency signal with Generalized Time-Bandwidth Product , it has been applied widely to many fields of information system , such as communications , radar , sonar , earthquake recognition etc.

  29. 听觉临界频带及其在声频信号处理中的应用

    Auditory Critical Band and its Applications in Audio Signal Processing

  30. 超宽频带局部放电时域信号的指纹特征分析方法

    Fingerprint Analyzing Method of Ultra-wideband Partial Discharge Time-domain Waveform