
  • 网络Frequency Response Range;range of frequency-response
  1. 通过优化压电陶瓷堆(PZT)相位调制器驱动电路,有效地提升了系统的频率响应范围。

    The frequency response range is effectively widened through optimizing the driving circuit of PZT , which is used as phase modulator .

  2. 利用正弦波作为输入信号时,测出了此驱动电路的频率响应范围。

    When sinusoid signal is inputted , we measured the frequency response range of this circuit .

  3. 电子式互感器内部没有铁心,这样不仅消除了磁饱和及铁磁谐振现象,还使得频率响应范围变宽,测量精度提高。

    Without iron core , Electronic Transformers not only eliminate the magnetic saturation but also eliminate the situation of ferromagnetic resonance .

  4. 井&含水层系统像一个长周期地震仪,它为记录到有价值的前兆低频波提供了最佳的频率响应范围。

    The system consisting of well and water layers behaves like a long period seismograph . The system responds very well to the valuable precursor low frequency waves .

  5. 与电类传感器比较,光纤光栅传感器具有频率响应范围大、本质防电、抗电磁干扰、信号传输距离远等优势。

    Compared with electrical sensors , the FBG sensors have many advantages such as wide frequency response range , the nature of anti-electricity , the nature of anti-electromagnetic interference and far signal transmission distance .

  6. 实验结果表明,该实验装置可以兼顾振动与冲击控制,具有较宽的频率响应范围,可以明显提高微型盘抗冲减振性能

    The experimental results show that the equipment not only can control vibration and shock together with a relatively wide frequency response range , but also can improve the performance of vibration and shock isolation apparently . Acme Disk

  7. 对实验样机的数值仿真和试验结果表明,系统可以兼顾振动与冲击控制,具有无谐振峰和较宽的频率响应范围、较大的位移响应范围和较为理想的隔振率的优点。

    The numerical simulation and test result of the experimental sample indicate that the system can control both vibration and shock and it also has a wider frequency response range , a greater displacement response range and a satisfying vibration isolation ratio without resonance peak .

  8. 它具有类似FET管的特性,且在热稳定性、频率响应以及大动态范围转移特性的线性化方面均有很大的改进。

    M-FET has been yield FET-like characteristics with many improvements in transfer cure linearity and temperature stability over a wide dynamic range .

  9. 它的频率响应在整个音频范围内有所下降。

    Its frequency response has to be flat over the whole audio range .

  10. 阐述了磁头的基本工作原理,绘制了磁头的频率响应曲线,给出了缝隙损耗的计算公式,揭示了重放磁头的缝隙损耗是造成磁记录的频率响应范围受到限制的主要原因。

    The basic working principle of magnetic head is described , frequency response curve is given as gap-depletion expression , and gap-depletion is explained to be the main cause that the frequency response range of tape recorder is limited .