
pín dù fù cí
  • frequency adverbs
  1. 在此基础上,结合本文得出的频度副词的习得顺序,提出教学难度分级和教学顺序应当符合频度副词习得顺序的建议。

    On this basis , combined with the acquisition order of frequency adverbs concluded in this paper , puts forward Suggestions for the graded teaching difficulty , and shall conform to the teaching order frequency adverbs acquisition order proposal .

  2. 谈谈单个频度副词的用法

    Talking about the usage of the single - word adverbs of frequency

  3. 频度副词告诉你事情每隔多久发生一次。

    Adverbs of frequency tell you how often things happen .

  4. 频度副词的内部分类及语义分析;

    Internal classification and semantic analysis related with frequency adjectives ;

  5. 在汉语作为第二语言教学实践当中,频度副词是语法教学中的一个难点。

    Frequency adjectives always create difficulty in the teaching of Chinese as second language .

  6. 虽然他是好学生,偶而也会犯错。史密斯先生有时屈尊帮他的妻子做家务。人们往往认为爱情和事业是并驾齐驱的。【词义辨析】sometimes:是个频度副词,意为“有时”

    Smith sometimes condescends to help his wife with the housework . 3.Love is sometimes put in range with a career .

  7. 从习得角度,特别是从习得顺序角度来分析母语为英语的留学生常用频度副词的习得研究微乎其微,且没有进行深入分析。

    From the point of acquisition , especially from the point of acquisition sequence for English speaking learners is minimal , and there is no in-depth analysis .

  8. 单个频度副词在一般语法书中简略的提及,没有作详细的说明,但在日常生活用语、文艺作品和科技书刊中常常出现。

    In general grammatical books the single-word adverbs of frequency are simply mentioned , not explained in detail , but they usually appear in phrases of daily life , in literature and art works and in scientific and technical magazines .